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DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:China Bans Binge Eating and Excessive Food Waste







total 55500minutes  2021/5/20 level 8


China Bans Binge Eating and Excessive Food Waste

中国 無茶食い、過剰な食べ残し禁止


China has introduced a new law that bans binge eating and allows restaurants to charge customers if they leave too much food uneaten.





The law, which was passed at the end of April, follows the "Clean Plate Campaign," which began in August last year after President Xi Jinping called food waste a "distressing" problem that threatens China's food security.


この法律は4月下旬に制定されたー昨年8月に始まった"Clean Plate Campaign,"の次にーXi Jinpingが食品廃棄は痛ましい問題だと呼びかけた後 それは、中国の食品の安定を脅かした。


The disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic was the wake-up call/the country needed to secure its food supply, said Xi.

China is the second-largest food importer in the world after the United States, according to World Atlas.


その混乱はCOVID19パンデミックが 国には食品供給の安定が必要だと警告したのが理由だとXiは言った。



Food providers that waste large amounts of food or encourage people to order too much food will receive fines of up to around $7,800.



Meanwhile, people who make or share videos of binge eating, which are a popular form of entertainment across China, will be fined as much as about $15,500.



Supporters showed their approval of the new law by sharing photos and videos of empty plates on Chinese social media website Sina Weibo.



However, not everyone agrees with the legislation. How much food is too much food hasn't been defined, nor is it clear how the law will be enforced.





After the "Clean Plate Campaign" was introduced last year, some organizations decided their own rules.

"Clean Plate Campaign"が導入されたされた昨年の後にいくつかの団体は自分たちのルールを決めた。


A school said it would ban students from applying for scholarships if the food they had left over each day was over a specific amount.



And a restaurant put scales at its entrance for customers to weigh themselves to avoid eating too much — though it later apologized for doing so.




According to the International Fund for Agricultural Development, 35 million metric tons of China's food goes to waste each year.


In contrast, the United States, which has a much smaller population, wastes about 57 million metric tons per year, according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency.


対比すると、アメリカは人口の方がずっと少ない、年に57 million metric tonsを無駄にしている。


