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DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:New York Aims to Better Control AI Hiring Tool


縁故採用つまりコネ入社は今もあるのでしょうか?  同族会社ならば、社長の息子が入るだろうし。それならば、AI採用ツールの方が,公平に人材を採用するでしょう。ただ、どのように選ぼうが、働きぶりを見ない限りはわかりませんね。







2021/12/8 level 8

New York Aims to Better Control AI Hiring Tool




Job candidates rarely know when artificial intelligence tools are rejecting their resumes or analyzing their video interviews.



But New York City residents could soon get more say over the computers making decisions about their careers.

New York city の住民は、もっと決定権・発言権を持つことになるだろう---彼らのを仕事に関して権限を持つコンピューター以上に.



More employers, from fast-food restaurants to banks, are using AI hiring tools to speed up recruitment, hiring and worker evaluations.





A bill passed by the New York city council in early November would ban employers from using AI hiring tools unless they can prove through yearly audits that they don't discriminate against applicants' race or gender.

法案は11月にNew York cityの議会でパスした---その案はAIの採用ツール使用を雇用者に禁止するだろう---毎年の審査証明しない限り---AI採用ツールで応募者の人種や年令で差別してないことの証明を。




The bill would also require producers of those AI tools to disclose more about how they work.



It also includes disclosure requirements to let people know they're being evaluated by a computer and where their data is going, and candidates will have the option of choosing a different process — such as interviews with a human — to review their application.







Some AI experts and digital rights activists are worried that the bill doesn't do enough to prevent bias.





"The approach of auditing for bias is a good one. The problem is New York City took a very weak and vague standard for what that looks like," said Alexandra Givens, president of the Center for Democracy & Technology.


”偏見に対してのアプローチ/対処に取り掛かる計画は良いことだが、問題は New York Cityが貧弱であいまいな基準のように見える(偏見を防ぐには充分でないように見える)”と非営利団体Center for Democracy & Technologyの代表は述べた。



Givens said it's also a problem that the bill only aims to prevent bias against race or gender, but not against ones that are harder to detect, such as bias against disabilities or age.




The new law would require from employers and agencies to pay fines of up to $1,500 per violation.




However, it will be the AI designers that have to do the audits and show employers that their tools meet New York's standards.




The City Council voted 38-4 to pass the bill on November 10, giving a month for Mayor Bill De Blasio to sign it. De Blasio's office says he supports the bill but hasn't said if he will sign it. If he does, the new rules would take effect in 2023.



