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DMM英会話Daily News予習復習メモ:David Bowie Coin Sent into Space

デビットボウイのコインが空高く飛んだ記事でした。どうやって飛んだかというと 宇宙船で。その飛行を経験した証明付きのコインが造幣局Facebookから抽選でもらえると言う。夢のある1年でありたいですね。 本日の2回目の講師Jayです。懐かしの曲のラジオ番組を両親がよく聞いていて、Boweiも名前は知っているそうです。前回ペットの文鳥がバタバタ飛んでいたのも気付いていたそうです。

total time 52025minutes 2021/1/4 level 7

The Bowie coin in orbit. Photograph: Royal Mint/PA 画像引用元Amass




David Bowie Coin Sent into Space


The British Royal Mint, which makes all of the UK's coins, has sent a David Bowie coin into space.

UKの硬貨のすべてを作っているーThe British Royal 造幣局が、David Bowie coinを宇宙へ送った。


The coin was sent over 35 kilometers up into the sky, and floated in the Earth's atmosphere for 45 minutes before falling back down to the ground.







A video from the Royal Mint shows the coin flying above fields, through the clouds and up into clear sky.




The coin will now be given away in a competition on the Royal Mint's Facebook page.




☟ Royal Mint's Facebook によると、残念ながらすでに応募期限が切れてますね。

The prize draw opens on 14th December 2020 at 09:00hrs and closes on 3rd January 2021 at 23:59hrs BST. Any entries received before the opening or after the closing dates/times will not be included and no correspondence will be entered into. 


The Bowie coin design is the third in the Royal Mint's "Music Legends" collection. The other designs were for rock band Queen and singer Elton John.


Bowie's design shows him in front of the same lightning bolt he had on his face on the cover of the 1973 album Aladdin Sane.




The Royal Mint is selling David Bowie coins for different amounts. The cheapest coin costs about $17, while the most expensive one costs over $95,000 and is made from a kilogram of gold.

Bowie was born in London in 1947.

His name was David Robert Jones, but by 1966 he was calling himself David Bowie. Bowie may have changed his name because he didn't want anyone to mix him up with Davy Jones from a band called the Monkees


彼の名前はDavid Robert Jonesだが、1966年以来 David Bowieと呼ばれていた。

名前を変えたのだろう。-MonkeesのメンバーDavy Jonesと混同してほしくなかったから。

— but he became Bowie before the Monkees were famous, so it's not clear if this is the real reason.



Bowie's first hit song was "Space Oddity." The song is about a man called Major Tom going into space, and was released in 1969, a few days before Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first humans to step on the moon.


初シングルは"Space Oddity."宇宙の異常・変り者

その歌は Major Tom が宇宙へいく歌詞で、Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin が初めて月の上に足を踏み入れる 数日前に発売された。  


Space was a theme in many of Bowie's songs. He also wrote "Life on Mars?" and "Starman," and his final album, released shortly before his death in 2016, was called Blackstar.




