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DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:Study: Early Humans May Have Hibernated

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2021/1/12 level 8




Study: Early Humans May Have Hibernated



Many animals hibernate, including some species of mammals, as well as some bees, turtles, snails and frogs. And a study published in L'Anthropologie/`ænθrəpάlədʒi/ suggests that a now-extinct human-like species could have hibernated too.

多くの動物は冬眠する、哺乳類も含んで、ハチなどもそうだが。ある研究は L'Anthropologieに発表された 


When an animal hibernates, its heart rate and breathing slow down, and its body temperature drops. These changes allow the animal to use as little energy as possible, so it can survive when there isn't much food.

冬眠するとき、心拍数と呼吸数が減り、体温が下がる。この変化はできるだけ少ないエネルギーを使うためだ 。


Researchers studied the bones of an early human species found in the Atapuerca Mountains in northern Spain. Caves in these mountains hold fossils from the earliest humans in Europe almost a million years ago.


スペインで見つかった原人の骨を研究した。 洞窟にはヨーロッパで最も初期の原人の化石もあった。


ホモ・アンテセッサー(Homo antecessor)は、1994年にスペインのアタプエルカにあるグラン・ドリナ遺跡で発見された原人で、ホモ・アンテセッサーの化石はグラン・ドリナ遺跡のみでしか発見されておらず、現在も調査中。


The researchers examined fossils that probably came from Neanderthals /neˈan.dɐˌtaːl/or an earlier species. The bones were found in a cave called Sima de los Huesos, or "the pit of bones," which contains fossils between 300,000 and 600,000 years old.







 The bones showed evidence of vitamin D deficiency, which can be caused by a lack of sunlight, and it seemed that bone growth in adolescents was disrupted for several months each year. This suggests that these early humans may have hibernated in a dark place for the winter.

その骨はビタミンD不足 が見られたーそれは日光不足が原因。




The study authors, Antonis Bartsiokasa and Juan-Luis Arsuaga, said that their hibernation theory is consistent with evidence that these early humans lived during a very cold period in Earth's history.

They also said that damage seen in the fossils was similar to damage found in the bones of other mammals that are known to hibernate.


著 者によると冬眠説は証拠と一致しているー歴史上氷河期に住んでいたという。




However, the authors admit that their research is still in the early stages. They also said that this hibernation may not have been very successful, because the early humans probably couldn't store enough body fat to keep themselves healthy through the winter.







The first Homo sapiens — modern humans — are believed to have appeared in Africa about 300,000 years ago. The earliest known Homo sapiens fossils were found in Morocco in 2017.





