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DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:The Most Deadly Jobs in the US


講師Jhamesは、online 講師の仕事は安全な仕事だけど、直接人と接する機会が失われてしまった現在は、仕事が終わったあと寂しく感じるそうです。

total time52200minutes 2021/1/11 level 7



 The Most Deadly Jobs in the US



There were 5,333 fatal work injuries in the US in 2019, according to the country's Department of Labor. That is equivalent /ɪkwív(ə)lənt/ to one death every 99 minutes.

仕事で死に至るような怪我を負ったケースが5333件あった 2019年に。それは、99分に死亡事故1件が発生することに相当する。



The most common type of fatal work accidents were transportation accidents, with 2,122 cases. The next most common were falls, slips and trips, which resulted in 880 deaths.

最もよくある仕事での致命的な事故は、輸送中の事故で、次によく起こるのは、倒れる(fall down)/落下、滑る、つまずく(stumble)ことが原因で死に至る。



After that, violence and injuries from other people or animals caused 841 deaths. Nearly one in five Americans who died in work-related accidents were drivers.


その次は ほかの人や動物から受けた暴力と怪我が原因の死亡。



So it's no surprise that the transportation sector and jobs that involve moving materials had the highest number of deaths, with 1481.



These jobs include delivery drivers and airline pilots, as well as people who work on boats, in warehouses and on railroads.



The job sector with the second highest number of deaths in 2019 was construction and mining, with 1,066.





Jobs in the service industry had the third highest number of deaths at 762. The service industry includes a wide range of jobs, from shop and restaurant staff, to financial and education roles.



However, the job sector with the highest rate of death was fishing and hunting, which saw 145 deaths per 100,000 workers.




The second highest rate was for loggers — people who cut down trees for wood — at 69 deaths per 100,000.



Airline pilots were third with 62 deaths per 100,000 workers, followed by roofers with 54 deaths.

パイロットは3番目 (割合の高さ)で、次は屋根職人


However, these jobs had less deaths overall, suggesting that while they are more dangerous, they are not very common. For example, only 44 fishing and hunting workers died in 2019.



