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DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:Uber Gives UK Drivers Minimum Wage and Benefits


講師Aljonによると、フィリピンではUber は撤退し、Grab が引き継いだので、今では、app-based taxi はGrabオンリーだそうです。 私がフィリピンに訪れた数年前は普通のtaxiしかなかったです。時代の変化は速いですね。


2021/3/27 level 8



Uber Gives UK Drivers Minimum Wage and Benefits



Uber will now give its UK drivers the minimum wage, pensions and holiday pay.



Uber announced the change on March 16, after losing an appeal at the UK Supreme Court in February following a years- long court battle.




Uber said it was immediately giving benefits to its more than 70,000 drivers in the UK.



After drivers accept a trip request, they will earn at least the minimum wage after expenses, and will still be able to earn more.



The UK's minimum wage is about $12.12 for adults 25 and older.



Drivers will also get holiday pay equal to about 12% of their earnings, paid every two weeks.




And they'll join a pension plan that both they and the company will pay into.

ドライバーは年金制度に加入し、ドライバーと会社側 両方が負担する。


The drivers who filed the case welcomed the news, but said it wasn't enough.

James Farrar and Yaseen Aslam of the App Drivers and Couriers Union said Uber stopped short of the Supreme Court's ruling that pay should be calculated from the time when drivers log on to the app until they log off.


その訴訟を起こした/申し立てた ドライバーはそのニュースは歓迎だったけど、十分ではないと言った。




Farrar and Aslam had taken their case to an employment tribunal, which found that drivers are not independent contractors, but should be considered workers.



*notA but Bの構文


Under British law, this means their work terms are more casual than employees, but still come with some benefits.



casual work-臨時の・不規則な仕事 casual meeting 偶然の出会い



Uber lost two appeals before the Supreme Court decision.



Providing more benefits for its drivers is likely to raise *costs for San Francisco-based Uber, which was already struggling to make a profit.



もし、UKのドライバーの手当が多くなれば、ウーバーの拠点サンフランシスコでの乗車金額が上がる可能性が高い  その本社ではすでに利益を得るために悪戦苦闘している。


*cost  の動詞は何かを得るかわりに、何かを失う、何かを対価として支払うといった意でもつかわれます。



However, the UK decision comes in contrast to one in California, where in November voters decided that app-based taxi and food delivery services would not have to treat their drivers as employees instead of contractors.




