Records Outsell CDs in US for First Time Since 1980s
USで レコード盤がCDよりもっとよく売れたのは1980 年代以来初めてのこと
For the first time since the 1980s, the value of vinyl records sold in the US was higher than the value of CDs sold in the first half of 2020, according to a report from the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA).
Despite being older than CDs, records are now the most popular way to buy physical music, as records made up 62% of the value of physical music sold.
Just over $232 million of records were sold in the first half of 2020, an increase of 3.6% compared to the same period in 2019. CD sales were just under $130 million, a 47.6% decrease from 2019.
CDは,2020年の売り上げが$130 million未満だった。2019年から47.6%の減少率
The top 10 most-bought record albums in the first half of 2020 were a mixture of new and old music, according to a report from Nielsen Music. They included new albums from Billie Eilish and Harry Styles, as well as classics from Queen, The Beatles and Bob Marley.
However, while records have been growing more popular each year over the last 14 years, they still only made up 4% of total music sales.
For the first half of 2020, total physical product sales and digital downloads actually decreased compared to 2019. However, streaming sales increased by 12% to a total of almost $4.8 billion, which helped raise the total value of all US music sales by 5.6% to $5.6 billion.
レコード、CDや音楽のダウンロードは減少した。しかしストリーミングの売り上げは12%増えて$4.8 billion。そのためトータルで5.6%上昇して$5.6 billionに押し上げた。
"The music industry today is healthier than it's been in more than a decade," the RIAA's Josh Friedlander told CNN Business. He said that streaming sales were more than making up for decreases in physical sales and digital downloads
healthy ビジネスが好評な 堅実な
日本人が言う”クラッシック””は 英語では”clasical music”” と言うんだ。名詞で使う英語の”clasic””は最高傑作って言う意味なんだ。日本語英語はそのまま使えないね。