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DMM英会話予習復習メモ:Saudi Arabia Aims to Build Largest Camel Milk Factory




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2022/2/3 level 7

Saudi Arabia Aims to Build Largest Camel Milk Factory

ラクダのミルク工場 サウジアラビア


Saudi Arabia is planning to develop the world's biggest camel milk factory, an official has said.



Speaking to Saudi entertainment channel Rotana Khalijia, the head of the Saudi Camel Club, Fahd bin Falah bin Hathleen, said, "We have entered a partnership with a major company to establish the biggest factory for camel milk in the world."


娯楽番組Rotana Khalijiaによれば、Hathleen:Saudi Camel Clubの代表は述べた。





Bin Hathleen said the factory would start by producing milk, but could later make other products too.


Hathleen は言った---ミルク製造からその工場は始めるが、その後ほかの製品も作る予定だと。



"Our ambition is to turn camels into a global industry and that the advanced countries will invest in camels as they did in the Arabian horses," he said, referring to the horses that were historically famous for their speed, beauty and intelligence.


”目標はラクダを世界t的な産業にすることだ。かつて先進国が、アラビア馬にしたようにラクダにも投資してほしい” アラビア馬はスピードと美しさと知性で昔から有名である。


He also said he hopes to hold festivals in Europe and America to get more people interested in camels.


Bin Hathleen said there are about 1.8 million camels in Saudi Arabia, with a market value of about $13.3 billion.




According to data from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the country produced over $300 million of camel milk in 2019.



The Camel Club was started in 2017, and is Saudi Arabia's official organization for camel owners.

Camel Clubは2017年にラクダ所有者のために政府の団体として始まった。


It also organizes the King Abdulaziz Camel Festival, the world's largest camel festival.




Camels are an important part of Saudi Arabian culture, and are the country's national animal.




They are traditionally used for transport — even being called "the ships of the desert" — as well as for wool, leather, meat and milk.




Camel milk is popular in the Middle East and parts of Africa.



It's similar to cow's milk, with more or less the same amount of calories, but a little less saturated fat.




Camel milk also offers some vitamin C and much more vitamin B1, but is lower in other vitamins.



