人の不幸を喜ぶと言う意味のSchadenfreudeシャーディンフロイドについての記事でした。SMSでは多いですよね。煽られて、調子に乗ってガンガン攻める。すると、ちょっと言い過ぎちゃう? empathyが生まれ、攻撃されている人の立場になって考える人が出てくる。そして炎上!
2022/1/28 level 8
Schadenfreude: Why We Enjoy Seeing Others Fail
”ざまあみろ” なぜ人の失敗をほくそ笑むのか
Schadenfreude/ˈʃædɪˌnfrɔɪd is a word borrowed from German, and comes from schaden meaning harm, and freude, meaning joy.
It's pronounced shaa-duhn-froy-duh, and is that feeling of pleasure you get when something bad happens to someone else.
For example, it's the happy feeling you get when someone pushes you out of the way to catch a train and they miss it anyway — or when you see that the smartest kid in your class failed a test that you passed easily.
It's also the emotion you feel when people get the punishment you think they deserve.
In Japanese, they say, "The misfortunes of others taste like honey."
In Dutch, the same feeling is called leedvermaak. In Hebrew, it's simcha la-ed, and in Russian, it's zloradstvo.
These are just a few examples mentioned by Tiffany Watt Smith, who has written a book on the subject.
Everyone seems to experience schadenfreude — we even grow up with it.
Think of some of the cartoons you watched as a kid — Tom and Jerry, for example. Don't say you didn't laugh when the cat (Tom) set his own tail on fire by mistake.
But can schadenfreude be bad? Mental health journalist Lo Styx writes that some of the emotions behind schadenfreude include envy, anger and inferiority.
schadenfreudeは悪い子ことになるのか?とメンタルヘルスのジャーリストは書いた---嫉妬、怒り、劣等感のような感情がschadenfreude の陰にある。
The author Watt Smith said we're often comfortable laughing at the failures of people who are wealthier, more talented or more attractive than us.
Websites and magazines are full of celebrity fails, fashion mishaps and stories of cosmetic surgeries gone wrong, for example.
It has been suggested, writes Watt Smith, that we are living in an Age of Schadenfreude.
However, she says that while we can't be sure if the emotion is more common today,/
social media means it's expressed more publicly than in the past.
Even if schadenfreude itself hasn't become more common, research on it has increased significantly in recent years.
schadenfreude が一般的になってないとしても、調査によるば、最近schadenfreude はかなりの増加だ。
However, just as our interest in schadenfreude has grown, so too has our interest in and commitment to empathy, Watt Smith suggested.
しかし、schadenfreudeへ の興味が増加していると同様に、同情する感情へも目を向けるべきだ。