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DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:Using a Camera in Virtual Meetings May Increase Fatigue

2021/9/17  level 8




on line 会議では、カメラon で参加した方が、会議に集中でき、積極的に参加でき、充実感を得られると思っていたが、実は逆で、カメラに映ってしまう、背景や身だしなみ、更に集中しているような顔つきを見せなきゃとか、余計なプレッシャーで疲れてしまうと言う記事でした。

カメラoff なら鼻をかんだり、水を飲んだり、より自然でいられるし、他の人の反応に気を取られることもないから発言しやすいかも。にらまれていたら言い難いし。




Using a Camera in Virtual Meetings May Increase Fatigue


Meetings can be tiring. But if you're doing virtual meetings from home, there may be one way to make them a little less tiring: turning off your camera. At least that's what a new study from the University of Arizona suggests.


The study, published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, examined whether having the camera on or off during virtual meetings affected fatigue.

VR会議中のカメラのon offが疲労に影響する研究を発表した。

Researchers did a four-week experiment that included more than 100 employees from the same company in Tucson, Arizona. Employees were asked to keep their cameras either on or off during all of their meetings for two weeks, and then to switch for the next two weeks.

4週間、実験をしたーー同じ会社から100人の参加者で。社員は2週間カメラをon またはoffにし、その後の2週間は逆にする。onにしていた場合はoffにする。

At 6:30 p.m. each day, participants did a survey measuring their fatigue and how often they spoke and were engaged during their meetings that day.


engage は元々抵当に入れると言う意味である場所に引き入れる⇒役割を機能する⇒雇用する、婚約する、交戦する、作動すると言うよう場合によっていろいろな意味に使われますね。この記事の場合は、会議に引き込まれる、没頭する、積極的に参加する意味になると思います。


At the end of the experiment, the researchers found that having the camera on during meetings increased the employees' levels of fatigue.


Allison Gabriel, one of the study's authors, said this fatigue correlated to less speaking and engagement during meetings.


"So, in reality, those who had cameras on/ were potentially participating less than those not using cameras," she said. "This counters/ the conventional wisdom that cameras are required to be engaged in virtual meetings."



Gabriel said there's a lot of pressure to look good when on camera. "Having a professional background and looking ready, or keeping children out of the room are among some of the pressures," she said.

仕事にふさわしいカメラに映る背景、容姿を整える、他の部屋にいる子供がいるなど のはプレッシャーになる。

The study also found keeping the camera on during meetings was more tiring for women and newer employees. The study authors thought this may be because these groups feel more pressure to look good and perform well.

調査でわかったことは、camera on を続けると特に女性や新入社員には更に疲労が見えた。 これはより自分を良く見せ、良いアクションをすることからのプレッシャーを感じるからだ。

Using cameras in virtual meetings is quite common. In a 2021 survey from consulting firm Virtira, which included more than 1,700 people, 61% said video was required for all of their meetings. And more than 25% felt pressured to keep their cameras on, even when it wasn't required.



