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Google Creates Hieroglyphics Translator

 2020.9.6. level 9

Google has created an online tool that allows users to translate ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic writing.

考案されたonline toolはユーザーにエジプト象形文字を訳すことが許された


Ancient Egyptians started using hieroglyphics, a writing system based on pictures, over 5,000 years ago. 




Google's new tool, called Fabricius, has three sections with three different uses.


The first, called "Learn," offers a basic understanding of Egyptian hieroglyphics. In the second, called "Play," users can create and send messages using hieroglyphic symbols. The third, called "Work," is a tool that can help researchers translate the symbols. It is available in English and Arabic.


Using Fabricius' "Work" tool, researchers can upload images of hieroglyphics and touch them up with various editing tools to make it easier for the software to read the symbols. The program then uses its database to create a translation — though it still often needs human help choosing between similar images.


Dr. Roland Enmarch of the University of Liverpool told the BBC that Google's tool is "impressive," but does not yet replace the need for experts in reading ancient writing.

replace the need for の必要性にとって代わる

Google hopes that it can build a bigger database as users add to it. The tool is named after Georg Fabricius, a 16th-century German poet, historian and archaeologist who studied ancient Roman inscriptions.


Georg Fabriciusはドイツの詩人、歴史学者、考古学者であり古代ローマ碑文の研究者




We are now able to translate hieroglyphics thanks to the Rosetta Stone, which was found by soldiers in Napoleon's army in 1799. Made in 196 BC, it has the same message written in three different ways: in hieroglyphics, which were used by Egypt's priests; in Demotic, which was used by the common people of Egypt; and in Ancient Greek, since Greece ruled Egypt at the time.

ロゼッタストーンはナポレオンの兵士たちによって発見された その石には司祭が使った象形文字、エジプトの民衆が使った文字、古代ギリシャ文字の3種類で刻まれている


その当時 ギリシャはエジプトを統治していたから


This allowed scholars who could read Ancient Greek to use the stone to finally begin translating the writing of ancient Egypt. The first modern person to read the hieroglyphics on the Rosetta Stone was the Frenchman Jean-Francois Champollion, who revealed his findings in 1822.



