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DMM英会話 Daily News 予習復習メモ Researchers Find Better Way to Calculate Dog Age

今回は2回目の講師Eric。the genes of 320 humans of know ageの解釈がしっくりこなかったので翌日Villanelle (Viと呼んでます)に確認しました。

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2020.8.31 level 8







Researchers Find Better Way to Calculate Dog Age



A new study published in Cell Systems has found a more accurate way to translate dog years into human years.
犬年齢を人年齢に例える方法を見つけ学術雑誌 に掲載された

The commonly held belief has been that every year of a dog's life is the same as seven years in a human life. So if your dog is 3 years old, it would be the same age as a 21-year-old human.



But researchers from the University of California San Diego School of Medicine have debunked that belief. "A 9-month-old dog can have puppies, so we already knew that the 1-to-7 ratio wasn't an accurate measure of age," said senior author Trey Ideker. 



*the ratio A to B is 1to 5 (AとBの比率は1対5)

The study looked at 104 Labradors, who were up to 16 years old, and used blood samples to calculate how old their genes were by comparing them to the genes of 320 humans of know age.




of know age とはdefinite age:明確に限定された・一定の年齢または  length of age特定の年齢





The researchers then used this data to create a formula that shows how dog years translate into human years. It shows that dogs age faster when they're younger, and this aging slows down by the time they're 7 years old.


According to the formula, a 1-year-old dog is the same genetic age as a 30-year-old human, whereas a 4-year-old dog is the same genetic age as a 52-year-old human.


This is much older than would be expected with the 1-to-7 ratio. "I have a 6-year-old dog — she still runs with me, but I'm now realizing that she's not as 'young' as I thought she was," Ideker said.

6才の犬飼ってる その犬は私とまだ一緒に走るけど、私が思っていたよりも若くはない



This research could be important for veterinarians, who often use the 1-to-7 ratio to treat dogs.


The formula is also the first that can be used with other species, like mice and humans. Ideker said that it could, for example, be able to measure your genes' age to see how it changes while using anti-aging products.



"There are a lot of anti-aging products out there these days," Ideker said. "But how do you know if a product will truly extend your life without waiting 40 years or so?"

