出かける時は、白湯をプラスティックの水筒に入れて持っていきますが、結局その容器からも粒子が流出しているかも(>_<) 水道水にすでに含まれているらしいし(+o+) 少しずつでも、プラスティック用品を減らしていくしかないですね。
2022/8/29 level 7
Study: 78% of France's Bottled Water Has Microplastics
A study by French organization Agir pour l'Environnement (Act for the Environment) has found that 78% of the bottled water it(French organization) analyzed /contained microplastics.
Scientists from the Labocéa laboratory in France discovered between 1 and 121 plastic microparticles per liter in seven of the country's most popular brands of bottled water, including Evian, Volvic and Vittel.
フランスの研究所で、1リットルあたり、1個から121個のプラスティック粒子が混入していることが判明したーEvian, Volvic , Vittel を含む人気の7ブランドのペットボトルに。
The bottled water that contained the most microplastics was Vittel Kids, with 121 particles per liter.
最も多いのは Vittel Kidsで1リットルあたり121個のプラスティック粒子が混入。
Microplastics are any type of plastic less than 5 millimeters long, and can be manufactured that size or come from larger plastic items breaking down. Labocéa identified four types of plastics in the water, which Agir pour l'Environnement said were likely to be from the bottle, the cap and the bottling process.
According to Nathalie Gontard at the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, plastic bottles begin to break down even before we start drinking the water inside.
A 2021 study published in the Journal of Hazardous Materials found that, on average, humans could be consuming 0.1- 5 grams of microplastics per week through the food we eat, liquids we drink, air we breathe and environment we live in.
Hazardous Materialsが刊行した2021年の研究結果では1週間あたり0.1- 5gのプラスティックを体内に取り込んでいるー食品、飲料、大気、環境から。
While there isn't enough research to show the health risks of microplastics, they are considered a form of pollution in the environment, especially oceans.
In a press release, Agir pour l'Environnement said, "We must get out of disposable plastic as soon as possible, starting by banning plastic bottles."
According to Statista, France is one of the top 10 countries in the world for bottled water consumption per person. Each person there drinks an average of around 130 liters of bottled water per year.
The country that consumes the most bottled water per person is Mexico, at more than 280 liters per person each year.