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Netflix's Subscriber Growth Slows as Pandemic Improves

ネットフリックス加入者が激減したが、それでも首位を独奏しているという記事。私も加入を考えてはいるのですが、料金を払ってんだから、見放題だから、とネットフリックス見っぱなしになってしまうのも怖い気がして決断ができないでいます。 TVがないから、そのかわりに加入してもいいかな? いやいやせっかくTVのない静かな生活を大切にすべきか、迷うところです。


2021/4/24 level 8



Netflix's Subscriber Growth Slows as Pandemic Improves



Netflix's pandemic-fueled subscriber growth is slowing much faster than expected as people who have been stuck at home are able to get out and do other things again.



The video-streaming service added 4 million more worldwide subscribers from January through March, its smallest gain during that three-month period in four years.




The performance was about 2 million fewer subscribers than both management and analysts had predicted Netflix would add during those first three months of 2021.


実績は、2021年の最初の3か月間(1月から3月)での加入者数は、経営陣と分析者は予測していたよりも2百万人少なかった。(予想数は6millions だった)


It was a huge comedown from the same time in 2020 when Netflix added nearly 16 million subscribers.




That came just as governments around the world imposed lockdowns that created a huge captive audience for the leading video-streaming service.



The downward trend may continue, too, as Netflix has forecast an increase of just 1 million worldwide subscribers in the current April-June period, down from an increase of 10 million subscribers at the same time last year.

下落の傾向も続くかもしれないー Netflixは百万人の加入者が増加すると予測していたのでーこの4から6月に、昨年と同じ時期から増加はほんの1千万人に下落した。


Netflix’s management has said that its huge gains in 2020 were caused by the pandemic.



Now that a large amount of the US population has been vaccinated, people are able to move around more freely and are finding other things to do besides watching TV series and movies on Netflix.

現在 膨大なqメリカの人口がワクチンを接種しているので、もっと自由に動き回れるし、他にすることをみつけることができてたーーネットフリックスの連続ドラマや映画を観なくても。 



The big question is how big this year's decline will be from last year's full-year increase of 37 million worldwide subscribers.




Netflix management tried to reassure investors in a letter that predicted subscriber growth would improve during the second half of the year as more TV series and movies that had to be delayed during the pandemic are finished and released.






Besides no longer benefiting from people being stuck at home most of the time, Netflix is also facing more competition than ever from a wide range of video streaming services from major companies such as Disney, Apple and HBO.

Netflix, though, remains far ahead, with nearly 208 million worldwide subscribers.






