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DMM英会話DailyNews 予習復習メモ:1,000 Qantas 747 Bar Carts Sold in 2 Hours

Bar cart、機内で食事や飲みもの配膳に使われているカートがワイン、シャンペン、お菓子付きで売りに出され、2時間でSold Out. 
てっきり LCCで再利用されるのかと思ってましたが、今回初めての講師Gerard S
Gerard Sのプロフィール写真から受ける印象とは、ちょっと違って温厚で落ち着いた人です。New teacher とありましたが、教え方に慣れていて、プロですね。
total time 50000分 2020.10.18 level.8

1,000 Qantas 747 Bar Carts Sold in 2 Hours

カンタス航空 機内用カート 1000台2時間で完売

Australia's largest airline, Qantas, has sold 1,000 bar carts that were previously used on its recently retired fleet of Boeing 747 aircraft. All 1,000 carts were sold within two hours.






Each cart came fully stocked with 80 mini bottles of wine, a bottle of champagne, snacks, a first class blanket, and even two sets of business class pajamas. Half-sized bar carts were sold for about $675, and a small number of full-sized carts, containing twice as many items, were also sold for about $1,050.


各カートには満杯にストックされた 80本のワインボトルなどが備えられていた

Phil Capps, Qantas Executive Manager of Product and Service, said there has been "huge demando" for memorabilia from the company's 747s, including the carts.





"While we no longer have use for them, they still have life in them," said Capps. He said people plan on using them for "everything from lamp stands to storage units."

747機の用途はもはやないが、機内にはまだ 人生(使用できるもの)がある。
カートはランプ台から、物入れとして まで様々な使用方法を考案する

According to Qantas, on average each cart had been used on more than 2,000 flights, traveling over 15 million kilometers. They were, however, described as showing "signs of wear and tear."






Qantas was among the first companies to use the Boeing 747, and flew them from 1971 until earlier this year. The airline stopped using the plane six months earlier than planned due to COVID-19. The company's last 747 was flown in July.





When the Boeing 747 made its first flight from New York to London in 1970, it carried 335 passengers and 20 crew. Since then it has flown almost 4 billion passengers, but it is now being replaced by more fuel-efficient aircraft, such as the Airbus A350 and the Boeing 787 Dreamliner.

しかし いまではもっと燃料効率化のよい ボーイング787に替えられている





Boeing announced in July that it would stop making the 747 in 2022. According to Cirium, a data company, there are about 500 747s still in service, of which 30 still fly passengers. The rest fly cargo or are in storage.






合計受講時間が5万分に到達しました。2083日ぶっ続けで英会話をしたことになります。たとえば留学して、毎日8時間 英語で生活したとすると649日。 留学はできないし、1日25分のみでは足らない。独り言英語をふやすしかないか。。。