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DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:Naomi Osaka Pulls Out of French Open


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2021/6/2 level 7



Naomi Osaka Pulls Out of French Open

おおさかなおみ フレンチオープン撤退


After her first-round victory at the French Open on May 31, Naomi Osaka announced she would be pulling out of the tournament and taking a break from competition for mental health reasons.

french Open で、1回戦を勝利した後、トーナメントを撤退を撤退し、mental healthが理由で競技を休むことになると発表した。



The announcement came a day after Osaka, a 23-year-old born in Japan and now based in the US, was fined $15,000 for skipping the post-match press conference after the first round at the French Open.


その発表は、1日後にしたー彼女が1万5千ドル(150万円くらい)の罰金を課されたー 第一回戦後の試合の後の記者会見をしなかったための罰金。




In the Twitter post, Osaka wrote that she has been dealing with depression since the 2018 US Open.

2018年US Open以来、うつと戦っているとTwitterに投稿した。



She also said that speaking to the media gives her severe anxiety.




Before the tournament, Osaka said on Twitter that she wouldn't speak to the media during this year's French Open.

トーナメントの前に、Twitterで今年のFrench Openの間はメディアとは話さないだろうと述べた。


Osaka wrote that she has often felt that people, including the media, don't care about the mental health of athletes.

メディアを含む人達は、選手のmental healthに気を使わないと感じると書いた。



She said that players are often asked the same questions again and again after difficult losses, or "asked questions that bring doubt into our minds."


選手はたびたび尋ねられる何度も同じことをーベストを尽くしたが負けてしまった苦しい状態の後に、または、質問されることで、自己肯定感self-esteem、自尊心 self-confidenceを傷つけられる。


"I believe that [the] whole situation is kicking a person while they're down and I don't understand the reasoning behind it,"



she said about press conferences.


Tennis players are required to take part in post-match press conferences at major tournaments if members of the media ask them to.


Tennis playersは必須であるー大きな大会では、試合後の記者会見に参加することーメディアに質問されれば。



While the fine of $15,000 is not a big deal to Osaka, the world's highest-earning female athlete,

she was also threatened by all four Grand Slam tournaments with possible additional punishment, including disqualification or suspension, if she continued to skip press conferences at the French open.



4大会グランドスラムで罰則が加えられる恐れがあるー資格はく奪 または出場停止ーもし記者会見をしないことを続けるならば。


After Osaka's announcement that she would be pulling out of the tournament, several athletes in tennis and other sports tweeted that they supported her decision.




