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DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:Study: No Amount of Alcohol Is Safe for the Brain

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               2021/5/30 level 8


   灰白質   白質           画像引用元:脳外科澤村豊のhomepage 


Study: No Amount of Alcohol Is Safe for the Brain



There is no safe amount of alcohol for the brain, reports a new study of over 25,000 people in the UK — bad news for those of us who thought a small tipple could do no harm.



Researchers from the University of Oxford looked at data from 25,378 people, including their age, sex, education and self-reported alcohol consumption, as well as results from cognitive tests and brain MRI scans.



The researchers found that even moderate drinking had more harmful effects than had previously been believed.

適量の飲酒 さえ、害を引き起こしていたことがわかったー今まで考えられていたよりもさらに害が大きい。


"Pretty much the whole brain seems to be affected — not just specific areas, as previously thought," said lead author Anya Topiwala, speaking to The Guardian.





Drinking alcohol was linked to lower gray matter volume in the brain, with volume decreasing further as people drank more.





Our brain's gray matter enables us to control movement and process information.




The researchers found that alcohol explained up to 0.8% of differences in gray matter volume, more than any other lifestyle-related risk factor tested — including smoking, which explained only 0.2% of differences.




Alcohol consumption was also linked to poorer integrity of the brain's white matter, which connects different parts of the brain together.




High blood pressure and a high body mass index (BMI) made the effects worse, the study found.



Whether the drink was a glass of wine, beer or spirits didn't make a difference.





All were found to be equally harmful, which goes against previous studies suggesting that wine can be good for our brains.






The Oxford researchers found that wine drinkers were better educated, and had lower BMIs and smoking levels, which could explain why wine was previously thought to benefit the brain.




Almost 95% of the study participants were drinkers, with nearly half drinking more than the UK's "low-risk" guideline of 14 units of alcohol per week — which is about six pints of beer or 10 small glasses of wine.


参加者のほとんどが飲酒する人たちで、その半数がUKでは低リスクとされている量のガイドラインより多く飲む。14 unitsとは、6pints(約3リットル)のビールまたは10杯のグラスワイン。


units of alcohol 飲酒量の基準を計るために示す単位で、イギリスではユニットという単位が使われる。1 unitは10ml(7.9グラム)の純粋アルコール(100%アルコール)のことを言う。 


Now that they've found that no amount of drinking is without risk, the researchers say it's time to review those alcohol guidelines.



