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DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:Japan to Recruit First Astronauts Since 2008


the end of the decadeは8,9年❓
to send people back to the moonは、月へ送り返す❓
と誤解釈してました(>_<)  Jahmesに感謝です。


  total time50475minutes 2020.11.5 level 8


  Japan to Recruit First Astronauts Since 2008




In 2021, Japan will recruit astronauts for the first time in 13 years. The country's science minister, Koichi Hagiuda, announced the news on October 23, saying the government will be taking applications next fall.






Since 1983, Japan has taken on new astronaut recruits approximately every decade. However, Hagiuda said that the country will now take applications approximately əprάksəmətli every five years to make sure it always has a group of astronauts ready.



日本は今、ほぼ5年ごとに申請を受理する。 宇宙飛行士のグループはすでに用意しておりが、念には念のために。(綿密に計画している)




The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency currently has seven astronauts. When the agency last recruited astronauts in 2008, 963 people applied, with three being successful. All three have since traveled to space.


近年は7名を採用しており、 最終募集は2008年には、963名応募者のうち、3名はすでに宇宙旅行を経験している




To date, 12 Japanese people have flown in space. The first was journalist Toyohiro Akiyama, who traveled to the Russian Mir Space Station aboard a Soyuz spacecraft in December 1990.

Japan now hopes to see the first Japanese person on the moon before the end of the decade. In July, it agreed to work with the US on the NASA-led Artemis program, which aims to send people back to the moon by 2024, and will also put the first woman on the moon. The last time a human set foot on the moon was in 1972.



 the end of =within






On October 26, NASA also announced that there may be more water on the moon than had been previously thought. Ice had previously been found in dark craters at the moon's poles, but now water has been found on the moon's sunlit surface as well.






This discovery could help future exploration, as the water could be used both for life support and to make rocket fuel. NASA hopes to use what it learns through the Artemis program to send astronauts to Mars by the 2030s.




NASAはArteis programから学んだことを利用し、火星へ宇宙飛行士を送りたい。



