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DMM英会話 Dail News予習復習メモ:Healthy Lifestyle While Pregnant Improves Kids' Heart Health

total time 49675分 2020.10.7 level 8

Healthy Lifestyle While Pregnant Improves Kids' Heart Health


A study from King's College London has found that improving the health of obese pregnant women may lead to better heart health in their children, with health benefits continuing years after birth.




The study, which was published in Pediatric Obesity, looked at 1,555 pregnant women in the UK who were obese. About half of the women went through an eight-week program to improve their diet and exercise habits.


Three years after birth, researchers were able to look at 495 of the children, 241 of whom were born to mothers who had taken part in the eight-week program. The children's obesity levels and their resting pulse rate — their number of heartbeats per minute while resting — were measured at that time.

resting pulse 安静時の脈拍数



Researchers found little difference in obesity between children whose mothers had taken the program and those whose mothers had not. However, they found that those whose mothers had taken the program had a resting pulse rate that was five beats per minute slower than children whose mothers had not.



Resting pulse rate is linked to heart health. People with high resting pulse rates may have an increased risk of heart disease and early death.


Although factors like diet and exercise can affect resting pulse rate, the researchers found no connection between( the results) and (the children's diets and activity levels). They concluded that the mothers' antenatal habits could have been the reason for the difference.


antenatal 出産前の 


It was also found that the mothers who took the eight-week program maintained a healthier diet three years after birth.


"Keeping physically active and maintaining a balanced diet are both important ways of keeping our hearts healthy," said Tracy Parker of the



British Heart Foundation, a charity that supported the study. "This research shows that for pregnant women, the benefits don't end there. A healthy diet before, during and after pregnancy can have positive long-term health benefits for both mother and child."



Researchers plan to follow up with the children when they're 8 to 10 years old to see if the benefits continue.

食べたものでからだが作られるわけだから、junkfoodでは健康体にはなれないです。 文鳥のひなをお迎えしたしたとき、脚が立たない状態でした。 すぐ獣医さんに診てもらい、原因は栄養不足からの脚気。薬と栄養のある餌で元気にそだちました🐤 親鳥の栄養状態が悪かったのか、ペットショップで与えられてた安価な餌と低すぎる温度設定だと思います。客に高価な餌を勧めながら、ショップでは安価な餌で飼育しるんですよ"(-""-)"。食と愛情は大切です。