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DMM 英会話 DailyNews予習復習メモ: Driver Charged for Sleeping While Speeding in Self-Driving Car

自動運転にここまで任して熟睡できるとは、とは何とも勇気があると言うか、おおらかと言うか、将にspeechless です。



英会話合計時間49625分 2020.10.5 level 8




Driver Charged for Sleeping While Speeding in Self-Driving Car

自動運転車で居眠り スピード違反の切符を切られる

A 20-year-old man in Canada has been charged with dangerous driving after he was allegedly caught sleeping behind the wheel of a speeding self-driving car on July 9.


behind the wheel ハンドルの後ろ、つまりハンドルから手を放して、運転放棄の状態



Police say that both the driver and the passenger in the Tesla Model S appeared to be asleep while traveling along a road near Ponoka, which is about 100 kilometers south of Edmonton, Alberta. Police say the car was traveling at 150 kilometers per hour, 40 kilometers over the speed limit.

both the driver and the passenger運転席者と助手席者 両者

When police tried to get them to stop by turning on their emergency lights, other vehicles moved out of the way, but the Tesla sped up as the road cleared ahead.



Darrin Turnbull of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police told CBC News that he was "speechless" and that he'd never seen anything like it in over 23 years of service. "Nobody was looking out the windshield to see where the car was going," he said.




The driver was initially charged with speeding and suspended from driving for 24 hours because of tiredness. However, his charge has since been increased to dangerous driving. He is due in court in December.


Tesla Model S cars have several driver-assist features, including automatic steering and a system that matches the car's speed to surrounding vehicles. Both appeared to have been turned on by the driver, although the car is designed to slow down and stop if the driver takes their hands off the wheel for too long. It's not clear why that did not happen in this case.

feature 機能



運転者にも操作ができる。 運転者がハンドルから長い間車手を離していた場合はゆっくりにまたは停止する。この両方ができるらしい。


Currently, Teslas aren't able to fully drive themselves, and in many places, local laws still require drivers to be ready to take over with their hands on the wheel.



In July, Tesla's co-founder, Elon Musk, said the company was "very close" to a fully self-driving car that doesn't require driver input. However, he added that there were still "many problems" to be solved before this is achieved.

input ここでは、運転するという意味
