いさぎよくsingle life ここちよくsimple life 


DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:Ancient Beer Factory Found in Egypt





total time 53425minutes 2021/2/24 level 8f:id:javabird:20210302164612p:plain

Ancient Beer Factory Found in Egypt

古代ビール醸造所発見 エジプト


American and Egyptian archaeologists have found what could be the world's oldest known beer factory at one of Egypt's most prominent archaeological sites.



Mostafa Waziri, secretary general of the *Supreme Council of Antiquities, said the factory was found in Abydos, an ancient burial ground in the desert west of the Nile River, over 450 kilometers south of Cairo.

Supreme Council of Antiquities エジプト 文化省 の 外局 として 考古学 を所管する部門で、考古遺跡の 発掘品の保護、規制、保存をしている考古学評議会

He said the factory probably dates back to the time of King Narmer, who unified ancient Egypt at the beginning of the First Dynastic Period, which lasted from 3150 BC to 2613 BC.

 第一王朝時代のはじめ 古代エジプトナイル川上流域と下流域)を統合したKing Narmerの時代のころの醸造所だろう。

Archaeologists found eight large spaces, each 20 meters long and 2.5 meters wide, each with about 40 basins in two rows. 

These basins were used to heat up a mixture of grains and water to produce beer, Waziri said.

各8この区域に40個のすり鉢状の土器が2列 ならんでいる。

Dr. Matthew Adams, co-chair of the mission, said the factory was likely built in this area to provide beer for royal rituals, since archaeologists found evidence that beer was used for such a purpose.




The factory was actually first mentioned by British archaeologists in the early 1900s, but they couldn't determine its location, the antiquities ministry said.


Abydos was used in every period of early Egyptian history, from prehistoric times through to the Roman era, which began in 30 BC.

 With its many cemeteries and temples, Abydos is known for its monuments to Osiris, ancient Egypt's god of the underworld.

この地域 Abydosは先史時代(文字使用以前の時代)からローマ時代を通して、初期のエジプトの歴史において すべての時代に使われた。


墓地や神殿が多くあり、にAbydosは 古代エジプトの冥界の神として知られているOsirisのモニュメントがあることで



Egypt has announced numerous ancient discoveries in the past few years in the hope of attracting more tourists to the country.



The tourism industry has struggled in the uncertain political environment since Hosni Mubarak was removed from power in 2011, and the industry's problems have only been made worse by the coronavirus pandemic.

*Hosni Mubarakが、2011年政権を手放してから不安定な政治環境のなか旅行業界も悪戦苦闘していたところに




*Hosni Mubarakエジプト軍人 政治家。共和政エジプト第4代大統領(第2代エジプト・アラブ共和国大統領)として約30年にもわたる長期政権を維持したが、2011年の革命によって失脚。


↓講師Dimma がサマリーを送ってくれました。

Recently American and Egyptian archaeologists unearthed a very important discovery in Egyptians prominent archaeological place Abydos where they found basins in which first beer in the world was was produced.


Archaeologists found evidence that this beer was not used for drinking like today but actually it was part of a royal rituals so the gravity of this discovery is maybe even more significant as it offers a new glimpse (垣間見る)into the customs and life in ancient Egypt.


 Abydos, a place there this beer factory was found, has a very special place in Egyptian history as it contains monuments to Osiris, ancient Egypt's god of the underworld who was venerated (崇拝された)and feared by ancient Egyptians.


These type of big archaeological discoveries seem to be very common in recent years in Egypt, perhaps because Egyptian government is trying to find a way to attract foreign tourists since Egyptian tourism is having a lot of plights due to unstable political situation and Coronavirus pandemic which reduced number of tourists drastically.  





DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:Osaka Wins 4th Grand Slam at Australian Open

Naomi Osakaは行動で示してくれる。今回のGrand Slam 全豪オープンで39才のセレーナに勝った。記事に書かれているように、憧れの人 と試合し、勝ったのだ。 セレーナが全豪オープンで7回目の優勝を飾ったときはなんと妊娠していた(20週)(@_@)という。偉大なる大先輩ですね。ふつうはヘロヘロで日常生活さえ辛いですよね。

記事の中で、 Only two active female tennis players  activeだから活動的な人のこと?テニスプレーヤーなら当たり前でしょう。 現役ってことですね。現役にたどり着くまで悩みました。


2021/2/22 level 7



Osaka Wins 4th Grand Slam at Australian Open

オーサカナオミ 第4回目の優勝 全豪オープン


Naomi Osaka has won her fourth Grand Slam title at the Australian Open after beating American Jennifer Brady.

Naomiは彼女の4回目のGrand Slam titleを全豪オープンで勝ちとったーーJennifer Bradyを打ち負かして。



Osaka has won all four Grand Slam finals she's played in, and is also on a 21-match winning streak that began last season and includes her victory at the US Open.





"You don't go into a final wanting to be the runner-up. For me, I feel like every /opportunity that I play a Slam/ is an opportunity to win a Slam," said the 23-year-old Osaka, who will move up to No. 2 in the Women's Tennis Association rankings.


「ファイナルで2位/次点にはなりたくない。 私にとって、Slamでプレイするーーひとつひとつの機会がSlamで勝つための機会のように感じる。」と言ったNaomiは、女子ランキングで2位に上がるだろう。



Only two active female tennis players have won more Grand Slam titles than Osaka: /Serena Williams, with 23, and her sister, Venus, with seven. Osaka beat Serena Williams — a player she calls her idol — in the semifinals.


現役では二人だけがNaomi以上に多くのGrand Slam titlesを取っている。 Serena Williams23回とVenus7回である。 Osakaは彼女が敬愛するアイドルと呼んできたSerenaを破った。



Osaka, who was was born in Japan to a Japanese mother and Haitian father, has been a vocal advocate for Black victims of racism and police violence.






"She's such an inspiration to us all, and what she's doing for the game is amazing in getting the sport out there," said Brady, who had never been in a Grand Slam final before. "I hope young girls at home are watching and inspired by what she's doing."



とJennifer Elizabeth Bradyは言ったーーBradyは今までにGrand Slam/4大会 決勝に進出したことはなかった(今回がはじめてのGrand Slam進出だった)




 Just under 7,400 fans were at the stadium in Melbourne to watch the final after not being allowed in earlier in the tournament due to a COVID-19 lockdown.

7400人未満のファンがメルボルンで決勝戦を観戦したーーCOVID-19 lockdownで許されなかった これまでのトーナメントの後に。


"Thank you for coming and watching. It feels really incredible for me," said Osaka, whose 2020 US Open title was won in an empty stadium. "I didn't play my last Grand Slam with fans, so just to have this energy, it really means a lot."


「観に来てくれてありがとう。信じられない。」と言ったNaomiの2020年US Openは空っぽのスタジオでタイトルを取った。

「私は前回のGrand Slamでは、ファンと共にプレイしなかったーー今回のようなエネルギーを持って(プレイしなかった。)(今回はファンと一緒で)本当に意味がある。」







はじめて飛んだよ ちっこい文鳥(9)









カーペットの部屋へ連れて行って、日光浴しながらhop hop










どこどこ? 私視力悪いのよ。近眼 老眼 おまけに飛蚊症




網戸にしがみついていた。 脚がしっかりしてきた証拠。栄養不足で麻痺していたなんて信じられない。





6:30 10:00 13:30 17:30 21:30

腹ペコ20g 満腹24g


2020/6/16  15thday































左手はちーちゃんに占領されているから、片手で掃除機をかけている間、部屋を見まわしている。あーここにもお部屋があるんだ。 洗面所ね。ふむふむ。














DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:NASA Rover Lands on Mars to Look for Life

果たして火星に生命体が存在したのでしょうか? 水が存在していたからに生物のは形跡が見つかるかもしれないですね。アメリカの探査機Perseveranceが火星に着陸の記事ですが、アラブも中国も同時期に探査機を火星に送っているとも書かれてました。



       2020/2/21 level 8


NASA Rover Lands on Mars to Look for Life

 NASA探査機火星に着陸 生命体を求めて

A NASA rover landed on Mars on February 18

as part of a mission to bring back rocks that could answer whether there was ever life on the planet.


火星の岩を地球に持ち帰るのは、使命の一つで その岩には、宇宙にかつて生命体が存在したかどうかの答えになる。



Flight controllers waited as the spacecraft carrying the rover hit the atmosphere of Mars at 19,500 kilometers per hour, and used its 21-meter parachute to slow down.




It took 11 and a half minutes for the signal confirming the landing to reach Earth. "Now the amazing science starts," said Thomas Zurbuchen, NASA's science mission chief.



”さあ すばらしい科学の始まりだ”


The rover, called Perseverance, is the biggest, most advanced rover ever sent to Mars.

探査機Perseverance は忍耐と言う意味で、もっとも大きく発達しているーーいままで火星に送られた探査機の中で


Over the next two years Perseverance will collect rock samples that could possibly contain signs of ancient microscopic life.


これから2年以上かけてPerseverance は岩のサンプルを集めるーそれは古代の微生物の証が含まれている可能性がある。




These samples will eventually be brought back to Earth. NASA hopes to get them back as soon as 2031.




Scientists believe that if there was ever life on Mars, it would have been 3 billion to 4 billion years ago, when there was liquid water on the planet.




An illustration of the Perseverance rover on the surface of Mars.



Scientists hope to find out whether we are alone in space, and how life develops. "We’re really on the verge of being able to potentially answer these enormous questions," said deputy project scientist Ken Williford.



「私たちは これらのものすごい質問に答えられる すぐ間際にいる。」



“Are we alone ... just flying through space, or is life much more common?" Perseverance’s mission costs nearly $3 billion, but it's not the only one.

「私たちだけが宇宙を飛行しているのか または、生命体はもっとたくさんいるのか」




The landing is the third visit to Mars in just over a week.



Spacecraft from the United Arab Emirates and China are now traveling around Mars. All three missions left Earth in July 2020. China hopes to land its spacecraft on the planet in May or June, and will also look for signs of life.


アラブ、中国の宇宙船が今火星の周辺を飛行中である。 すべて3機が2020年6月に地球を飛び立った。中国は5月か6月にその惑星火星に着陸し、生物の証を探すことも望んでいる。





DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:Childhood Diet May Affect Health Later in Life  

大人になって、”これではいかん!” と食生活を改めたとしても、”ちょっとおそかったなー”  子供のころの食生活が、すでに腸内のバクテリアの数などにも影響を及ぼして、代謝の良しあしにも関わっている。それが運動よりも影響が長く続くと言う。




2021/2/27 level 8


Childhood Diet May Affect Health Later in Life  



Some people say "you are what you eat." But according to a new study by researchers at the University of California, Riverside, you may also be what you ate as a child.





  The study, which was done on mice, found that eating a "Western diet" as a child, which the researchers defined as one high in fat and sugar, may alter a person's gut microbiome later in life, even if they start to eat differently once they get older.


ねずみでの実験によってわかった  子供のころの西洋食を取っているとーー西洋食を研究員は高脂肪、高糖分のひとつとして特徴付けているーー 腸内細菌群高齢期で変わるだろう、大人になった時点で、子供のころと違う食生活をはじめたとしても。


A microbiome is what scientists call the collection of microorganisms,

like bacteria and viruses, that live on and inside a person and other living things. 

マイクロバイオームを科学者は人や他の生物の体内で生きている 微生物バクテリア、ウィルスの集まりだと言う。



Each person's microbiome is different, and these differences can affect their health.




  The researchers studied the gut microbiomes of young mice, which were put into four groups with different diet and exercise routines.  





After three weeks in these groups, once the mice were adults, they were all returned to a standard diet with no exercise. 

3週間後、大人になった時、これらのねずみを運動なしで 標準の食生活にもどした。





They stayed on this routine for eight weeks before their microbiomes were compared.  





The study found that the mice eating a Western diet had much less of a type of bacteria involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates than those on a standard diet.




 Researchers believe this bacteria may affect the amount of energy available to its host, though all of its functions are not known.  

このバクテリアバクテリアの宿主が使うことができるエネルギー量に影響する そのバクテリアすべてが機能するかはわからないが。



Mice on the Western diet were found to have less of the bacteria regardless of whether they exercised or not, suggesting that it had more long-lasting effects on their microbiome than exercising did.






"We studied mice, but the effect we observed is equivalent to kids having a Western diet, high in fat and sugar and their gut microbiome still being affected up to six years after puberty," said Theodore Garland, one of the researchers involved in the study.


ネズミで研究したが、観察した影響力は、高脂肪,高糖分の西洋食を摂っている人間の子供と同じである。 彼らの腸内マイクロバイオームは思春期後、多くても6年はまだ影響する。 









DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:Winter Storms Leave Millions Without Power in US




今回の行使Makiは、lesson noteに説明を載せてこれた。感謝。感謝。誠実な講師だ。


 2021/2/19 level 9


Winter Storms Leave Millions Without Power in US





Millions of Americans are experiencing cold weather without electricity or heating after deadly winter storms.





In Oregon, snow and ice knocked over trees and took out hundreds of kilometers of power lines.

雪や氷に樹木が倒され 数百kmの電線破壊された。



The damage is the worst in 40 years, said Maria Pope, CEO of Portland General Electric.

At its worst, more than 350,000 customers in the Portland area were in the dark, and more than 100,000 were still without power Thursday.






A Portland supermarket threw away a large amount of food before it could go bad, leading to a confrontation with police as a group of up to 50 people tried to take unopened packages of meat, cheese and juice.




More than 320,000 homes and businesses were also without power in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama after storms dumped as much as 10 centimeters of snow and ice across the region.


ミシシッピーとアラバマではその地域に渡って10㎝以上積もった雪を取り除いた 嵐の後  



The worst power outages have been in Texas, where 3 million homes and businesses were without power midday Wednesday, although that number was down to about 560,000 by Thursday morning.





Utilities from Minnesota to Texas have implementedrolling blackouts to reduce the burden on their * power grids.




rolling blackouts

The black outs have been implemented in phases 

power gridsグリット電力とは、大規模発電所から送電網を経由して送られてくる電力


rolling blackoutsの意味を講師Makiがlesson noteに書いてくれました。↓

"Rolling blackouts are a last-resort measure used by an electric utility company to avoid a total blackout of the power system. Rolling blackouts are a measure of demand response if the demand for electricity exceeds the power supply capability of the network." Specifically it means Scheduled of power interruptions



  The weather also disrupted water systems in several Southern cities.



In New Orleans and Shreveport, Louisiana, fire trucks delivered water to several hospitals, and bottled water was being brought in for patients and staff, television station KSLA reported.




Officials in Texas ordered 7 million people — a quarter of the population — to boil tap water before drinking it after days of record low temperatures damaged infrastructure and froze pipes.



The extreme weather has been blamed for the deaths of more than 30 people,

some of whom died while trying to keep warm inside their homes. 





In Houston — which, like much of the South, is not accustomed to such cold — one family died due to carbon monoxide from car exhaust in their garage.







DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:Wallet Lost in Antarctica Returned After 53 Years




この基地はMcMurdo Station 南極に駅があるってどうゆうこと?stationは基地、駐屯地としても使われるのですね。






Wallet Lost in Antarctica Returned After 53 Years



San Diego man Paul Grisham, 91, can't remember losing his wallet while working in Antarctica in 1968.


So the former navy meteorologist ˌ/miːtiəˈrɑːlədʒɪst/ was surprised to get a phone call in January from someone who wanted to return it to him.





Grisham's wallet was found behind a locker in an old building that was being demolished at *McMurdo Station, the largest research station in Antarctica. Inside were some things you might find in any wallet — an ID card, a driver's license and some receipts.


財布は南極の大きな マクマード基地解体中だった古い建物のロッカーの後ろで見つかったー中身は さいふに入ってる一般的なもの IDcard、免許証、レシート



1956年にアメリカ海軍が当地に設営した拠点 (Naval Air Facility McMurdo) が基盤。現在はアメリカ国立科学財団南極プログラム(USAP)が保有し、南極点にあるアムンゼン・スコット基地への補給中継点である。 マクマード基地は南極の観測基地の中でも特に規模が大きく100以上の建物がある。



But there were also other items that were unique to the time and place in which it had been lost. One was a ration card for 23 beers that had only been used four times.

財布が紛失したころの 特有な時間、場所だけのものもあった。ひとつは配給カードでビールは23回のうち4回しか使われていなかった。



Another was a card with instructions about what to do in an atomic, biological or chemical weapons attack, which Grisham had to carry at all times due to the dangers of the Cold War.


もう一つは、原始力、生物学、化学兵器などの攻撃に備えて何をすべきかについての指示書で、彼はそれをいつも携帯していなければならなかったーー冷たい戦争(US ×ソ連)の危険性のために



"Thank God it was never used," Grisham told CNN.




It also had a recipe for homemade Kahlua, though Grisham says he never used it.



However, there was no cash in the wallet, because there was nowhere to spend it at the station.


The wallet was returned to Grisham by Bruce McKee, Stephen Decato and his daughter, Sarah Lindbergh.


Decato was given the wallet by his former boss, who had found it during the demolition in 2014.



Decato and Lindbergh then contacted McKee, who had previously helped them return another lost item.


Decatoは以前に他の紛失物を返却したことのある Lindberghに連絡をとった。



After about two weeks of searching on the internet, McKee found Grisham through a blog post he had written in 2012 on the Naval Weather Service Association's website.


McKee は、2020年に海軍気象サービスのウェブサイトに投稿していた(ライターとして)ことで彼を見つけた。


When McKee called Grisham on January 26, he said he "was a joy to speak with," and couldn't believe they had found the wallet for him after 53 years.

McKee が電話をしたとき 彼は嬉々と話したと言う。53年前のさいふが戻るなんて信じられない。



The wallet has helped Grisham remember a lot about his time in Antarctica — and he says his family has had as much fun going through the wallet as he has.









DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:Japan Approves Its First COVID-19 Vaccine

いよいよ始まったワクチン接種。私に回ってくる順番はまだ先ですが、摂取するのでしょうか。本日の講師Vladはwait and see 様子を見るって言ってましたが、私も同意見です。corona virus is mysterious 未知過ぎて、少量でも身体の中に侵入させるのは怖いですね。と言って絶対に感染したくないし。
ただこの記事に書かれているように ”Vaccines are considered key to holding the Tokyo Olympics” 政府としてはオリンピック開催を実現させるため、なんとしても、ワクチンを全国民に接種させたい意向がある。これがまた懐疑的になっちゃうんですよね。



 2021/1/17 level 8


Japan Approves Its First COVID-19 Vaccine




On February 14, Japan formally approved its first COVID-19 vaccine and said it would start people within days. However, the nation is months behind the US and many other countries.



The announcement came after a government panel confirmed/ that clinical testing in Japan/ showed that the vaccine co-developed and supplied by Pfizer Inc /was similarly effective to what overseas tests had found.


発表は、政府の審査員団が確認したあとだった。 /(確認したことは ) 日本で治験し、/(その結果を)日本が示したのは、共同開発されたファイザーから供給されたワクチンは、海外でのテストでわかった結果と同じような効果だった。



Under the current plan, about 20,000 front-line medical workers at hospitals in Japan will get their first shots beginning around February 17.




 About 3.7 million other medical workers will be next, followed by elderly people, who are expected to get their shots in April.


By June, it's expected that all others will be allowed to receive them.



The vaccine was approved using an emergency fast-track process that took two months compared to the usual one year.





But Japan is still months behind many other countries, which began inoculating their citizens late last year,

because the government asked for clinical testing at home in addition to the international tests Pfizer did with more than 40,000 people from July to November.


日本はまだ数か月遅れている  昨年末接種を開始した他の国より。




Many other countries accepted Pfizer's results and moved ahead.


The extra tests were conducted to address safety concerns,

①but were only done on 160 people,②leading=(and led) some to question whether it was worth the delay.



しかしたった160人の治験のみだったことで  ワクチン接種開始の遅らせて待った甲斐があったかどうかを 疑問視すること至った人もいた。


 * ,leading to 分詞構文 ①が起きて、次に②は起きたとき分詞構文を使って表現するんですね。理解に苦しみました('ω')



 However, the test were only done on 160 people that some people question whether the delay in receiving inoculation was worth the wait.  



Vaccines are considered key to holding the Tokyo Olympics this summer.




Japan is expected to receive 144 million doses from Pfizer, 120 million from AstraZeneca and about 50 million from Moderna before the end of the year, enough to cover its population.




Vaccines being developed by Japan are still in the early stages, so the country must rely on imports.




AstraZeneca only recently applied for its vaccine to be approved in Japan, while Moderna hasn't applied yet.

There are also concerns about whether EU export controls could affect supplies. 








DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ: Mori Resigns from Olympics Over Sexist Comments


森氏こそ、会議が長引くだとか、しゃべりすぎるとか、男がぐちぐちと。。。おっとこれも記事に出てきた単語 sexist ジェンダー差別に当たりますね。




2021/2/13 level 8


Mori Resigns from Olympics Over Sexist Comments


森氏 オリンピック性差別的発言によって辞任


Yoshiro Mori has resigned as president of the Tokyo Olympic organizing committee following sexist comments he made about women.


森喜朗氏は 東京オリンピック組織委員会会長を辞任したー彼が女性にした女性軽視・差別的コメントを受けて。



In a meeting of the Japanese Olympic Committee in early February,


Mori said women "talk too much" and their speaking time should be restricted in meetings.

女の人は しゃべり過ぎる そして彼女らの話す時間は会議で制限すべきだと言った。




Mori’s* departure comes after more than a week of criticism about his comments.



* departureの意味は 出発、退場の他にも、離脱、違反、変更のように標準から外れる意味でも使われる



He initially apologized but refused to step away, * which was followed by calls from the media, sponsors and an online petition that got 150,000 signatures for action to be taken.



 * which の主語は step away


"My inappropriate comments have caused a lot of chaos," said Mori.




Though many people called for Mori to resign, most decision makers, including Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, simply condemned his comments.


多くの人が辞任を要求したが、菅首相を含む 決定権を持つ人は単に非難するだけだったコメントを。




Olympic sponsor Toyota Motor Corp., for example, spoke out, but didn't call for his resignation.




President of the company Akio Toyoda said Mori's comments were "different from our values."




It is not clear who will replace Mori, but Japanese media have pointed out three qualified women — all athletes and former Olympians who are at least a generation younger — who could do the job.

Mori’s comments have highlighted how far behind Japan is compared to other developed countries in advancing women in politics or business.





森氏の発言は浮き彫りにしたー他の先進国に比べて 政治はビジネス上女性の進出がかなり遅れを取っている。



Japan is 121st out of 153 in the World Economic Forum's ranking of gender equality in different countries.



Koichi Nakano, a political scientist at Sophia University in Tokyo, said Japan is still a country run by men, but that Mori being forced to resign could help change that.



"Social norms are changing," he told The Associated Press. "A clear majority of the Japanese found Mori’s comments unacceptable, so the problem is more to do with the lack of representation of women in leadership positions."


社会の基準が変わりつつある。明らかに多くの日本人が 森氏の発言を受け入れられないことがわかった。







DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:Tesla to Accept Bitcoin Payments, Invests $1.5 Billion

テスラ社がビットコインでの車代金の支払いを承諾する記事。そういえば講師のStefaがビットコインを買ったって言ってってたなぁ。↓の表をみるとビットコイン値が5倍にはねあがっていることがわかる。百万円が5百万円に。差額で車が買えちゃうね(^^)/ でも、変動があるから他の大手の会社は手を出すのを渋っていると書かれていた。私は買いませんがね。余裕資金がないからです( 一一)

今回の講師はJhames lesson前に、パンをかじったそうで、ゲップしてました。なんと彼もAcid Reflux 逆流性食道炎。私も2週間ほど、食後にゲップがでます。はやく治したいです。

total time 53000minutes  2021/2/11 level 8




Tesla to Accept Bitcoin Payments, Invests $1.5 Billion


テスラ社 ビットコインでの支払いを承諾 150万ドル投資

On January 8, electric car maker Tesla said that it has invested around $1.5 billion in Bitcoin, and it plans to begin accepting the digital currency as payment for its vehicles.


電気自動車メーカー テスラは、ビットコインに150万ドル投資すると述べた。車の支払い方法としてデジタル通貨を承認する計画だ。


The price of Bitcoin rose 15.4% to around $44,500 following Tesla's announcement, according to CoinBase.




The California-based electric car maker revealed the purchase in a filing with the US Securities and Exchange Commission, saying its investment in digital currency and other "alternative ... assets" may gro


テスラ社のカリフォルニアに本拠地を置く、カーメーカーはSEC: US証券及び取引委員会(投資家を守るために公社債や証券取引を管理監督している組織、日本でいう金融省の一部)へ購入の申請を明らかにした。




Bitcoin is not widely used to pay for goods and services, with only a few shops, such as Overstock, accepting it. The cryptocurrency is also used by criminals and those who don't trust the banking system.


ビットコインは以前は商品支払いやサービスは広くは手がけていない・扱いに慣れていないOverstock:インターネット通販会社 のような数少ない会社のみが受け付けている。





Whether other major companies will follow Tesla's lead is unclear.

A vehicle is a big purchase, which could make Bitcoin a good fit.

But the large, quick variations in Bitcoin's value could be a big risk for any company deciding to accept it.









Tesla is in a unique position to accept digital currencies for payment, since the company does not rely on a network of independently owned dealerships to sell its vehicles, unlike traditional car companies such as General Motors and Ford.


テスラは、支払いにデジタル通貨を受け入れるための唯一の立場(It is advantageous for them)

であるり、 テスラの車を販売する代理店の単独のネットワークに依存してないからで、古くからあるカーメーカー ジェネラルモータースやフォードのとは違う。





But even with Tesla's support, it could take some time before those who've made money investing in Bitcoin use it to buy a car.

Jessica Caldwell of Edmunds.com doesn't expect Bitcoin payments to become common place, because most people take loans to buy vehicles or lease them and don't pay in cash.









But other experts say it's just a matter of time before Bitcoin finds more widespread use.

Led by Elon Musk, Tesla reported its first annual net profit in 2020.

The following rise in its stock made it the world's most valuable car maker.


他の専門家は言う、ビットコイン使用が広がっていくのは,遅かれ早かれ時間の問題だ(to happen at a specific time or some time in the future)














DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:Amazon Reveals Plans for New Headquarters


Amazonの新本社ビルのシンボル らせん状のビルはまさにヤリガイ君の形。遣り甲斐だけにとどまらず、ビルの外側には庭園をふんだんに取り入れ、一般に山登りを解放することで利益還元。


 2021/2/12 level 7




Amazon Reveals Plans for New Headquarters





Amazon has revealed plans for its headquarters in Virginia, which includes a 107-meter helix-shaped office tower that can be climbed from the outside like a mountain hike.


 らせん状の形態のビルー山登りのように外側をのぼることが可能ー を含む本社をバージニアに計画していることを公表した。





The helix building is just one of the buildings in the plan.

There are also multiple 22-story office buildings in addition to other buildings already under construction. Amazon is planning to have space for 25,000 new workers over the coming years.








The company said that the helix building is designed to help people connect to nature. Employees will be surrounded by gardens, with some also being found inside the buildings that they work in.






Amazon told CNN that the helix building will be open to the public at least two weekends per month. The company also said it will open the mountain climb on the outside of the building to the public on weekend tours.


らせん状のビルは、月に少なくても2回は一般解放される。 週末はビルの外苑をの山登りツアーもオープンする。


Around the buildings, plans show public space with art, gardens, shops and restaurants.

Matt de Ferranti, chairman of the Arlington County Board, called the helix design "interesting" and said residents from Arlington County, where the buildings will be, would have a chance to say what they think about the design before it's approved.


アーリングトン郡委員会の会長Matt は”興味深い”と述べ、本社が建てられるあーリング郡の住民は、承認される前にその設計について彼らの意見を述べるだろうと言った。


The company hopes to begin work on the project in 2022, and finish it in 2025.

On February 2, Amazon announced that Jeff Bezos will step down as CEO in the second half of 2021. Long-time Amazon executive Andy Jassy will be the new CEO, but Bezos will be the company's executive chairman, so will likely stay involved in important decisions.

Jeff Bezosは経営責任者を2021年下半期に降任する。 長期に渡りアマゾンの重役・幹部であったAndy Jassyが新たにCEOになる。 しかし、Bezosは最高幹部として残り重要な決定に関わっていくだろう。






DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:Luxury 6-Person Sub Can Dive to 1,000 Meters

なんとも豪華な潜水艇 まるで宇宙船のようなカプセルでダイブ どんな海底生物に遭遇するのでしょうか?  
本日の講師は以前にスクーバダイビングを楽しんだセブ島、Cebu City在住のVlad 。巨大なモールがさらに増えたそうです。


 total time52900minetes  2021/2/7 level 9


画像:weekend perfil


Luxury 6-Person Sub Can Dive to 1,000 Meters



A newly built, six-person submersible with an acrylic hull made by Florida-based company Triton Submarines can take passengers 1,000 meters below the surface of the sea — provided they're millionaires.




Called the Triton 3300/6, its transparent, spherical/ˈsferɪkl/ passenger compartment has enough space inside for a pilot and five passengers to enjoy its near-360 degree underwater views while exploring the ocean's depths.




The submersible is truly designed with luxury and comfort in mind, with hand-finished leather seats, ample head and leg room, easy access and even air conditioning.

潜水艇は豪華で心地よく設計されていて、皮張りのシートは手仕上げ、足元の頭部も空間に十分余裕があり、とても便利である エアコンさえ設置されている。


It can reach a top speed of three knots and is able to stay underwater for more than 10 hours.




Like many of the company's submersibles, the vessel is meant to be a leisure craft for the very rich.

At a cost of $5.5 million, it's the definition of a luxury item and is designed to be launched from a superyacht, which typically cost hundreds of millions of dollars.



$5.5 millionの価格は、豪華なアイテムを示す そして潜水艇は、何百万ドルの豪華なクルーズ用ヨットの上から、海中へ放たれるように設計されている。



Its new owner, who has remained anonymous, chose the color, "Tiffany blue", which helps it seem to disappear when underwater.

匿名の所有者はが選択した色は、Tiffany のカンパニーカラーコマドリの青い卵の色で、




Triton Submarines also makes professional vessels for filmmaking, scientific work, tourism and exploration.



Their two-person vessel, known as the Limiting Factor, is the first and only manned submersible to be certified for an "unlimited diving depth,"

and became the first to reach the deepest points in each of the world's five oceans in 2019.

二人用潜水艇はthe Limiting Factorと呼ばれていて、初めて、人が乗った潜水艇が”深さ無制限の潜水”として登録された。




In 2018, the company's then European sales director, Louise Harrison, said they received a huge increase in demand from people wanting to have their own vessel to explore the ocean following the BBC's Blue Planet II, a documentary series about marine life narrated by Sir David Attenborough.


2018年に その時の販売部門重役は言ったーBBCのドキュメント、海の生活のシリーズを観て 海洋を探索する自分もの潜水艇を所有したいという人々の要求が増大したー 潜水艇はその要求を受け入れた。





DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:Language May Affect How We Feel Pain


って言うことは、痛みに耐えないといけない時は、日本人は英語で”ouch! ouch!"と言えば痛みが軽減されるはず。今度、試してみるか!人前では言えないけど。

内容が分かりにくい記事だったけど、本日の講師Danielの説明で納得できました。彼は振付師なんだって。He is a freelance choreograher kɔ̀riɔ́græfə それもpip hop! そんな感じには見えなかったけど。



total time50825minutes 2021/2/6 level 8




Language May Affect How We Feel Pain




A study from the University of Miami in Florida has shown that people who are bilingual and bicultural may feel pain more strongly when speaking one language than the other.



Researchers looked at 40 women and 40 men with an average age of 29.

The participants met with bilingual researchers on two different days, one in which all conversations and materials were in Spanish, and one in which they were all in English.

参加者は、2日、 バイリンガルの調査員と会った。1日はスペイン語の会話と教材 そしてもう1日はすべて英語。


All of the participants were fluent or native speakers of both English and Spanish, all having learned their second language by age 10.

They also said they were bicultural, meaning they identified with American culture as well as Hispanic and Latino culture, though some identified more with one culture than the other.







Researchers applied the same amount of painful heat to participants' arms each day, monitoring their heart rates and sweat on their hands to measure their physical responses to pain.





The participants also reported how intense the pain felt to them.



It was found that bilingual people who identified more strongly with Hispanic culture said they felt more intense pain when speaking Spanish, while those who identified more strongly with American culture felt more pain when speaking English.







Each group also showed stronger physical responses to the pain when working in the language they identified more strongly with.





Similarly, those who identified equally with both cultures felt about the same amount of pain in both languages.




But for those who identified strongly with Hispanic culture, language had a stronger effect on *how intense they said the pain felt.




*how intenseは痛みの程度  they said the pain felt S V O C

the pain is much stronger depending on the language they use 



These differences could be particularly important in the US, where studies have found that Hispanic people tend to report more intense pain than white people, while they — and other minorities — tend to receive less pain medication from doctors.



ヒスパニック人は白人よりも、より強い痛みを報告する傾向があるーー 一方、彼ら白人と他のマイノリティは、医療での痛みを弱く受ける傾向があると





Lead researcher Morgan Gianola said that the study was inspired by other research that had found differences in things like memory depending on the language people are speaking.

He wondered if language could also affect responses like pain.








DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:Myanmar's Military Takes Power in Coup  


長い軟禁生活。人生を国に捧げた彼女への仕打ちはひどすぎる。 2日かけて調べて、 講師Jhamesの力を借りてやっと出来上がりました。


 total time52825minutes 2021/2/4 level 10 


画像:Thet Aung / AFP  クーデターを起こした最高司令官ミン・アウン・フライン氏


Myanmar's Military Takes Power in Coup




On February 1, Myanmar's military staged a coup and detained senior politicians, including Nobel Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi.

国軍はクーデターを引き起こし 高い地位の政治家たちを拘束したノーベル賞受賞者アウン・サン・スー・チーを含む


An announcement on military-owned Myawaddy TV said Commander-in-Chief Senior General Min Aung Hlaing would be in charge of the country for one year.



It said the move was necessary because the government had not acted on the military's claims of fraud in November's elections, in which Suu Kyi's ruling party won a majority of seats.

その放送で、その手段(クーデター)は必要だった。 理由は、スーチー女史の与党が多席で勝った11月の選挙において、 政府が、軍が主張した不正行為に対して 、役割を果たさなかったから。




The takeover came the morning /the country's new parliamentary session was to begin.




The military says its actions are legally justified, citing a section of the constitution that allows it to take control in times of national emergency.

軍は述べる その行動(引継ぎ)は法的に認められている、緊急事態時に支配権を握ることを許される憲法の項目の引用によって。



Myanmar had been emerging from decades of strict military rule and international isolation that began in 1962.



Suu Kyi had lived under house arrest for years as she tried to push her country toward democracy, and then became its de facto/dɪfˈæktoʊ, deɪ‐‐təʊ/ leader after her National League for Democracy won elections in 2015.

スーチー女史は何年も軟禁されていたー国を民主化しようとしたため、その後2015年の国民民主連盟が選挙に勝利し 事実上のリーダーになった。



While Suu Kyi had been a fierce opponent of the army while under house arrest, since her release and return to politics, she has had to work with the country's generals, who never fully gave up power.

軟禁中、スーチー女史は軍の凄まじい敵対者であった。  解放後は、政策にもどり、完全に政権を手放さない国の指揮官たち(ミン・アウン・フライン氏が率いる国軍の)と一緒に取り組まなければならなかった。



While the 75-year-old has remained extremely popular at home, Suu Kyi's deference /déf(ə)rəns/ to the generals — going so far as to defend their crackdown on Rohingya Muslims that the US and others have labeled genocide — has severely damaged her international reputation.










The first signs that the military was planning to seize power were reports that Suu Kyi and Win Myint, the country's president, had been detained before dawn.


支配権を奪う計画をしていた軍の最初の合図は、 スーチー女史と大統領は夜明けまえに拘束されたという報告だった



A spokesman for Suu Kyi's party told online news service *The Irrawaddy that members of the party's Central Executive Committee, many of its lawmakers and other senior leaders had also been taken into custody.

スーチー女史の党のスポークスマンは オンラインニュース で述べたー 党の中央執行委員会のメンバーで多くの政治家や最高司令官も拘置された。


The Irrawaddy 反政府系メディア。最高司令官ミン・アウン・フライン氏が少数民族武装勢力や反政府活動の鎮圧に携わった経歴や、反政府勢力鎮圧に中国からの軍事的支援を受けていると批判 もしている。



Many countries have called for the release of the detained leaders. US President Joe Biden called the military's actions "a direct assault on the country's transition to democracy," and said Washington would not hesitate to reimpose sanctions.



バイデン氏は軍の行動を ”民主化への国の変わり目に向けての襲撃”と呼び、ワシントンは制裁をまた課すことを躊躇しないとも言った。





エサを自分でついばむ ちっこい文鳥(8)








6:00  9:00  12:00  15:00 18:00 21:00

体重 腹ペコ18g 満腹22g
















↑ 以前はこんな風に翼を広げて身体を支えてたーそうしないと倒れてしまうから



2020/6/11 10thday









2020/6/13 14thday







