いさぎよくsingle life ここちよくsimple life 


DMM英会話DailyNews 予習復習メモ:1,000 Qantas 747 Bar Carts Sold in 2 Hours

Bar cart、機内で食事や飲みもの配膳に使われているカートがワイン、シャンペン、お菓子付きで売りに出され、2時間でSold Out. 
てっきり LCCで再利用されるのかと思ってましたが、今回初めての講師Gerard S
Gerard Sのプロフィール写真から受ける印象とは、ちょっと違って温厚で落ち着いた人です。New teacher とありましたが、教え方に慣れていて、プロですね。
total time 50000分 2020.10.18 level.8

1,000 Qantas 747 Bar Carts Sold in 2 Hours

カンタス航空 機内用カート 1000台2時間で完売

Australia's largest airline, Qantas, has sold 1,000 bar carts that were previously used on its recently retired fleet of Boeing 747 aircraft. All 1,000 carts were sold within two hours.






Each cart came fully stocked with 80 mini bottles of wine, a bottle of champagne, snacks, a first class blanket, and even two sets of business class pajamas. Half-sized bar carts were sold for about $675, and a small number of full-sized carts, containing twice as many items, were also sold for about $1,050.


各カートには満杯にストックされた 80本のワインボトルなどが備えられていた

Phil Capps, Qantas Executive Manager of Product and Service, said there has been "huge demando" for memorabilia from the company's 747s, including the carts.





"While we no longer have use for them, they still have life in them," said Capps. He said people plan on using them for "everything from lamp stands to storage units."

747機の用途はもはやないが、機内にはまだ 人生(使用できるもの)がある。
カートはランプ台から、物入れとして まで様々な使用方法を考案する

According to Qantas, on average each cart had been used on more than 2,000 flights, traveling over 15 million kilometers. They were, however, described as showing "signs of wear and tear."






Qantas was among the first companies to use the Boeing 747, and flew them from 1971 until earlier this year. The airline stopped using the plane six months earlier than planned due to COVID-19. The company's last 747 was flown in July.





When the Boeing 747 made its first flight from New York to London in 1970, it carried 335 passengers and 20 crew. Since then it has flown almost 4 billion passengers, but it is now being replaced by more fuel-efficient aircraft, such as the Airbus A350 and the Boeing 787 Dreamliner.

しかし いまではもっと燃料効率化のよい ボーイング787に替えられている





Boeing announced in July that it would stop making the 747 in 2022. According to Cirium, a data company, there are about 500 747s still in service, of which 30 still fly passengers. The rest fly cargo or are in storage.






合計受講時間が5万分に到達しました。2083日ぶっ続けで英会話をしたことになります。たとえば留学して、毎日8時間 英語で生活したとすると649日。 留学はできないし、1日25分のみでは足らない。独り言英語をふやすしかないか。。。



DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:120,000-Year-Old Human Footprints Found in Saudi Arabia



今回、3回目の講師Franky。久々にお会いしたら、ひげ面の別人になってました。It looks on him 😘最近は彼のような、ハキハキした講師に当たってます。話も教材もサクサク進んで気持ちいいlessonです。


total time 49975分 2020.10.17 level 8




120,000-Year-Old Human Footprints Found in Saudi Arabia



Seven human footprints that are about 120,000 years old have been found by an ancient dry lake in northern Saudi Arabia.




According to a study in Science Advances, the footprints found in the Nefud Desert are from two or three people and are the eariest of evedence of humans in the area. 233 fossils were also found, as well as footprints from animals including horses and elephants.


Nefud 砂漠で発見された足跡は2,3名のもので、そこの地域にいた人間の最古の証拠である。






Saudi Arabia and its neighboring countries had previously received less attention from researchers

as the desert environment didn't appear to be suitable for humans to live in.

However, studies in the last decade have shown that conditions in the area have greatly changed over the past million years.










Experts say that the footprints may show the routes humans used to leave Africa during the last interglacial period.

During this period, humid conditions may have helped people and animals move across the region, which is now mainly made up of deserts.









The new research shows that lakes and rivers that existed here in the past may have been important for humans to follow as they moved to Europe and Asia from Africa.




However, the large number of footprints by the lake — 376 in total including animal footprints — suggests that the region was becoming drier, with low water supplies at the time.

その時期の給水量低下で その地域は枯渇していったと推測する


"It appears that these people were visiting the lake for water resources and just to

forage fˈɔːrɪdʒat the same time as the animals," said one of study's lead authors, Mathew Stewart.







Stewart also said that the lack of tools or evidence of use of animal bones suggests that the humans did not stay in the area long.





砂漠も以前は水が潤っていて人や動物が生活できた。いずれは、地球が温暖化で砂漠と化してしまいかねない。 この夏はscorching hot でしたが、ほとんどACを使用せず扇風機でのりきりましたよ。 シェイドで徹底的に日差しをシャットアウトして窓ガラス、外壁に熱を持たせない。 マンション全体ですればかなり涼しく過ごせると思うのですが。 マンションは、室外機からと熱せられたコンクリートかで出る暑苦しい大気に包まれたまま、夜になっても冷えずに朝が来る。 1匹のハチが山火事を消そうと奮闘するお話ーいい本です。



DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:World Food Program Wins Nobel Peace Prize





total time 49925分 2020.10.16 level 8




World Food Program Wins Nobel Peace Prize

国連WFP ノーベル平和賞受賞

The World Food Program (WFP) has won the Nobel Peace Prize for fighting hunger and seeking to end its use as "a weapon of war and conflict."





Announcing the prize, the Norwegian Nobel Committee said it wished "to turn the eyes of the world towards the millions of people who suffer from or face the threat of hunger."

飢餓の脅威に苦しんでいる または直面している人に、世界が目を向ける




The committee also said it hoped that giving the prize to the UN agency would highlight the need to strengthen global cooperation.


The Rome-based agency was established in 1961 at the behest of US President Dwight Eisenhower. It has brought aid to multiple crises, including Ethiopia's famine of 1984, the Asian tsunami of 2004 and the Haiti earthquake of 2010.



 * three United Nations Rome-based Agencies (RBAs), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), and the World Food Programme (WFP) offer a vast range of knowledge, financial and technical expertise, and internationally recognized forums for discussing policy issues related to food security, agriculture, and nutrition.
US President Dwight EisenhowerNATO軍最高司令官、第34代大統領を歴任した。通称はアイク(Ike)。モットーは「物腰は優雅に、行動は力強く」

It continues to bring assistance to the world's most dangerous places, from air-dropping food in South Sudan and Syria to creating an emergency delivery service that continued providing aid even as the coronavirus pandemic grounded commercial flights.







 The organization is led by David Beasley, a Republican former South Carolina governor nominated for the job by President Donald Trump. The agency has been run by an American for nearly 40 years.


Beasley said the prize rightly goes to his entire team.


"I know I'm not deserving of an award like this — but all the men and women around the world in the World Food Program and our partners who put their lives on the line every day to help those in need, that is inspiring and encouraging," he told The Associated Press.








However, some have noted that WFP's top donors are also major food exporters and often involved in the sale of arms to conflict zones where the agency works, from Afghanistan to Yemen.



 しかしながら、このように言う人もいる。 WFPの上位の提供者・寄付する人は主要な食糧輸出者でもあり、彼らは働いているアフガニスタンからイエメンの紛争地域へ武器の売買にも関わっていると。





The Nobel Peace Prize comes with a gold medal and a $1.1 million cash prize. So far in 2020, WFP has received almost $6.4 billion in cash or goods, with over $2.7 billion coming from the US.

2020年現在も WFPは大金や物資を受け取っているが、そのうち$2.7 billion






いやいやびっくり。食料を無料提供しつつ、武器も売って利益を得る。そして戦争を続けさせる。飢餓で苦しむ人を助けている人の中にはそういうことをしている人もいる。 建前は平和のため。でもお金を儲ける手段にも使える。 コロナはなんらかの使命をもってきたはず。気付かなきゃね。これから何をするべきか。

DMM英会話DailyNews 予習復習メモ:New Delhi Starts Anti-Pollution Campaign




今回の講師はもやを吹き飛ばすくらい 超あかるいRichardです。フィリピン語の半分はSpanishが使われているそうです。たとえば2:00pmはalas dosだそうです。


total time 49925分 2020.10.15 level.8





 New Delhi Starts Anti-Pollution Campaign



On October 5, authorities in New Delhi began an anti-pollution campaign in an attempt to reduce air pollution levels ahead of winter, when it is at its worst. Authorities also warned that dirty air could make the coronavirus pandemic more dangerous.






The capital's top elected leader, Arvind Kejriwal, said the government will start an anti-dust campaign, reduce smoke caused by agricultural burning and introduce an app that will allow citizens to send in photo-linked complaints against polluters.





"Polluted air can be life-threatening in view of the COVID-19 pandemic. Both affect the lungs," Kejriwal said.






Health experts say years of high air pollution levels have reduced the disease resistance of people living in New Delhi, one of the world's most polluted cities, putting them at greater risk from the coronavirus.







Earlier studies have also suggested that high levels of air pollution can make viral infections more dangerous. It is estimated that more than a million Indians die every year because of diseases linked to air pollution.





New Delhi has had more than 285,000 confirmed cases of the coronavirus, including over 5,500 deaths.



In winter the city is covered with a toxic haze that hides the sky and blocks sunlight. Pollution levels rise as farmers in nearby agricultural regions use fire to clear their land after harvests.






Vehicle and industrial emissions, pollution from fireworks linked to festivals, and construction dust also increase in winter, making the public health crisis even worse.




The national capital has often experimented with limiting the number of cars on the road, using large anti-smog guns and stopping construction activity. But the steps have had little effect due to a lack of cooperation from nearby state governments.









In November 2019, New Delhi was covered in a dark yellow haze for several days as air pollution hit record levels, forcing schools to close and flights to be diverted.






anti-smog gun はRichardがスプレーだと教えてくれたので、殺虫スプレーみたいなものかと調べてみると 、巨大な大砲みたいなものでした。小さなスプレーで清浄できるレベルじゃないですからね。

DMM英会話DailyNews 予習復習メモ:Stolen Books Worth $3 Million Found Under House



屋根に穴を開けてロープでスルスルとセンサーを避け侵入する怪盗団。私は、mission impossibleを思い浮かべました。



total times 49900分 2020.10.15 level8




Stolen Books Worth $3 Million Found Under House

盗まれた$3 Million の価値がある本200冊が床下から見つかる

About 200 stolen books worth over $3 million have been found under the floor of a house in Romania, according to the London Metropolitan Police (Met). The rare books had been stolen from a warehouse in London in January 2017.






The books have been described as "irreplaceable," and included first editions of works by famous scientists like Galileo Galilei and Sir Isaac Newton from the 16th and 17th centuries. There were also drawings by the famous Spanish artist Francisco Goya.






The books were being stored while on their way to Las Vegas to be sold at an auction. Two men, Daniel David and Victor Opariuc, entered the warehouse by cutting holes in the roof and abseiling down, avoiding security sensors.








They spent several hours inside, then used 16 large bags to carry the books back through the holes in the roof. They were driven away by a third man, Narcis Popescu, who was waiting in a car outside.





Although the car they used/  was cleaned with bleach and abandoned, the police were able to find the men because of a DNA sample found inside.






The Met said the men were part of the Clamparu crime group, a group of Romanian crime organizations. They would fly to the UK to commit robberies, then fly out of the country again soon afterwards. The stolen goods would then be transported by other members of the group.






To find the books, the Met worked with the Romanian National Police and the Italian Carabinieri 国家治安警察隊 , with support from Europolヨーロッパ警察機構  and Eurojustヨーロッパ司法機構.       

The discovery of the books follows arrests and searches at 45 addresses in the UK, Romania and Italy in June 2019.




follow~ ~をたどった結果として生じる




followの使い方、勉強になりました。 Winter follows fall.  秋の後冬がやってくる。気持ちのいい秋。すぐに寒くなっちゃうね。

DMM英会話DailyNews 予習復習メモ:Scientists Win Nobel Prize for Gene-Editing Tool

今回は難しいトピックでした( 一一)必死で調べたけど、やっぱりすっきりしなかったので本日の講師Richardに確認してすっきりしました。彼はテキパキ教えてくれるし、適当に日本語の合の手が入り、おもしろいです。
total time 49875分 2020.10.13 level 9
Scientists Win Nobel Prize for Gene-Editing Tool

The Nobel Prize in chemistry has gone to two researchers for a gene-editing tool that has revolutionized science by providing a way to alter DNA technology already being used to try to cure numerous  n(j)úːm(ə)rəs diseases and raise better crops and livestock.






Emmanuelle Charpentier of France and Jennifer A. Doudna of the United States won for developing CRISPR-cas9, a very simple technique for cutting a gene at a specific spot, allowing scientists to change genetic flaws that are the cause of many diseases.



"There is enormous power in this genetic tool," said Claes Gustafsson, chair of the Nobel Committee for Chemistry.


"There's no aspect of biomedical research that hasn't been touched by CRISPR," which has been used to create better crops and to try to cure human diseases including HIV and inherited forms of blindness, said Dr. Kiran Musunuru of the University of Pennsylvania, who is researching it for heart disease.




Doudna said CRISPR also has the potential to be used to engineer plants that store more carbon or better withstand climate change.

クリスパーは2酸化炭素をもっと取り入れて蓄える、または、気候変動により耐える 植物を開発するためにも使われる見込みがある。

Dr. George Daley of Harvard Medical School said: "There is immense potential for human benefit, especially for disease treatment, but also the risk of misapplication."

 人類のためになる、特に病気治療に限りないほどの発展の見込みがある。  しかし誤用/悪用のリスクはある。
Much of the world became aware of CRISPR in 2018, when Chinese scientist He Jiankui revealed he had helped make the world's first gene-edited babies, to try to engineer resistance to infection with the AIDS virus. His work was denounced as unsafe, and he has been sentenced to prison in China. 

中国の科学者が、AIDS ウィルス抗体を開発するために、世界初の遺伝子編集された赤ちゃんの誕生させたこと公表したときに、世界でCRISPRが知られたー受精卵の段階で遺伝子操作がなされたことが倫理的に問題視され物議をかもした。 




In September, an international panel of experts issued a report saying it is too soon to attempt such experiments because the science isn't advanced enough to ensure safety.




In its 119-year history, a woman has won a Nobel Prize in the sciences by herself only three times before, the first being Marie Curie in 1911. But this is the first time an all-female team has won a science prize. The prize comes with a gold medal and more than $1.1 million.



comes with~ ~がもれなく付いてくる/添えられる



初めてノーベル化学賞した女性がキュリー夫人。今回はリケジョのコンビに贈られることになった。日本でも、女性が研究できるような環境が整えらることを祈ってます。 小学生のころは計算が遅く。今はさらに遅い。高校の時化学0点をとりました。理数系に弱い私は、リケジョ尊敬してます。

DMM英会話DailyNews 予習復習メモ:Dutch Company Creates 'Yacht House' with Legs

  2020.10.12 level 8
Dutch Company Creates 'Yacht House' with Legs

Dutch architecture firm Waterstudio.NL has created a "livable yacht" that can rise out of the water to become an off-grid home.



livable  家や気候が住みやすい/快適な  生活などに生きがいが持てる  その人と一緒に暮らしやすい

off-grid 公共のガス電気などを使用してしない自家発電



 The company, which is based in Rijswijk, southeast of The Hague, has created a solar-powered electric houseboat called Arkup 75. "The design was inspired by the way flamingos stand in the water," company founder Koen Olthuis told Dezeen.
inspired by やる気をもらう/着想を得る/刺激をうける

The boat is 22 meters long with a living space of 404 square meters. It uses solar panels on its roof to power both the home and the engine that moves it. It also has a system that can turn rain into drinking water, allowing it to be used to live by the coast almost anywhere in the world.



The yacht can also stand above the water using four 12-meter-long "legs," which can be lowered into water up to 7.6 meters deep. With its legs out, it is designed to withstand tough weather conditions, including floods and hurricanes.



It costs about $2.3 million to buy the most basic version of the Arkup 75,which comes without a motor, legs or solar power. The legs add at least $1 million to the price, while solar power and a motor add more than $500,000.


The company hopes its design can be used to build larger floating houses in the future — something it has been promoting for nearly two decades, according to Olthuis.


He believes that the design could help future construction as sea levels rise and cities begin to be built on the water. "Not just yachts but especially floating structures will take advantage of the space on water around our cities," he said.



ただのヨットではなく、とりわけ 浮く構造は水上のスペースを活用できるだろう。

sea levels rise  海面上昇

take advantage of 活用する 生かす /悪用する つけ込む


Waterstudio.NL has produced many other floating designs, including various floating houses, a floating office tower, and even a giant "Sea Tree" — a floating tower made of flat platforms that can serve as habitats for plants and animals both above and below the water.



waterstudio.nl sea tree


👆のがNL社のSea Treeです。人工的ですが、島々が海中に沈んでしまえば、動植物は生きていけません。いずれ必要になるかもしれないね。悲しいけど

DMM英会話DailyNews 予習復習メモ:Records Outsell CDs in US for First Time Since 1980s

今回は初めての講師Mark Janssen。 モノトーンのレンガ調の部屋(実は壁紙)はスタジオみたい。マイクもDJみたいな装置。絵を見せてくれたけど、モデルなしでイマジンだけで描くそうだ。 芸術家肌でかつfriendly!
Time flies!
total time 49775分 2020.10.11 level 7

Records Outsell CDs in US for First Time Since 1980s

USで レコード盤がCDよりもっとよく売れたのは1980 年代以来初めてのこと


For the first time since the 1980s, the value of vinyl records sold in the US was higher than the value of CDs sold in the first half of 2020, according to a report from the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA).

vinyl vάɪnl ビニール 樹脂プラスチック
in the first half ⇔the later harf

Despite being older than CDs, records are now the most popular way to buy physical music, as records made up 62% of the value of physical music sold.

physical music インターネットのサイトからのストリーミングやダウンロードではなくCD、カセット、レコード

Just over $232 million of records were sold in the first half of 2020, an increase of 3.6% compared to the same period in 2019. CD sales were just under $130 million, a 47.6% decrease from 2019.


CDは,2020年の売り上げが$130 million未満だった。2019年から47.6%の減少率


decrease from ~ ~から減少する・decrease to ~ ~に/までに減少する 

The top 10 most-bought record albums in the first half of 2020 were a mixture of new and old music, according to a report from Nielsen Music. They included new albums from Billie Eilish and Harry Styles, as well as classics from Queen, The Beatles and Bob Marley.

 classic(名詞)音楽、文学、芸術の最高傑作/ (形)典型的な 古典的な

However, while records have been growing more popular each year over the last 14 years, they still only made up 4% of total music sales.



For the first half of 2020, total physical product sales and digital downloads actually decreased compared to 2019. However, streaming sales increased by 12% to a total of almost $4.8 billion, which helped raise the total value of all US music sales by 5.6% to $5.6 billion.

レコード、CDや音楽のダウンロードは減少した。しかしストリーミングの売り上げは12%増えて$4.8 billion。そのためトータルで5.6%上昇して$5.6 billionに押し上げた。

 streaming 動画ファイルを受信しながらリアルタイムで再生する

"The music industry today is healthier than it's been in more than a decade," the RIAA's Josh Friedlander told CNN Business. He said that streaming sales were more than making up for decreases in physical sales and digital downloads


healthy ビジネスが好評な 堅実な


日本人が言う”クラッシック””は 英語では”clasical music”” と言うんだ。名詞で使う英語の”clasic””は最高傑作って言う意味なんだ。日本語英語はそのまま使えないね。


 DMM英会話DailyNews 予習復習メモ:LGBTQ Center To Open

LGBTQに限らず、赤ちゃんから高齢者 誰もが生きやすい世の中になるといいね。
2020.10.10 level 9

First Permanent LGBTQ Center To Open in Tokyo


Pride House Tokyo will open Japan's first ever permanent Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) center on October 11, the same date as International Coming Out Day.


The center, Pride House Tokyo Legacy, will offer a safe space to share information about and from the LGBTQ community. The center in Tokyo's Shinjuku Ward will also organize online and offline events, and provide a space for individuals to find advice and support. 



Pride House Tokyo is part of Pride House International, which works to create LGBTQ-friendly spaces during international sports events. In 2017, Japanese LGBTQ organization Good Aging Yells announced it would open temporary Pride House information centers during the 2020 Olympics for LGBTQ athletes and their supporters.



While the 2020 Olympics can't take place this year, the Tokyo group has decided to open up the permanent center it had planned for 2021 this October instead. Pride House Tokyo said this is because the results of its LGBTQ  Youth Today survey showed a need for a safe way for people of all  gender identities  and sexualities to come together.

2020 年にオリンピックは今年行うことはできないが、その代わりに、今年の10月にPride House 東京は2021年に計画していた常設のセンターをオープンすることを決めた。



LGBTQ Youth TODAY 緊急アンケートの回答者は12歳〜34歳の1654名で、(Xジェンダーを含む)トランスジェンダーが45.6%、LGB他が54.4%

gender identity 自身がどの性別に属するか、性と同一感を持つかという感覚
sexuality 性的指向

Even though the first Pride House venue was at the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics and Paralympics, the Tokyo Pride House will be the first that is officially recognized by the Olympic and Paralympic Games.



In 2014, the International Olympic Committee introduced a clause against any discrimination against "race, religion, gender or otherwise" to its contracts with cities.  

clause  条項




There had been protests at the Winter Games in Sochi, Russia that year, after the country introduced laws banning what it called "gay propaganda" being shared with people under 18, which Human Rights Watch says has led to an increase in discrimination against the country's LGBTQ community.

国が18才未満に支持されていた ゲイプロパガンダ と呼ばれている法律の禁止を導入した後、その年、ソチで抗議が続いた。

propaganda 組織的な主義 主張
Human Rights Watch アメリカ合衆国に基盤を持つ国際的な人権NGOニューヨーク市に本部を置く。世界各地の人権侵害と弾圧を止め、世界中すべての人々の人権を守ることを目的に、世界90か国で人権状況をモニターしている団体

It was in 2014 that Pride House International became an official organization, after a number of individuals and groups came together in response to the situation in Russia.

in response to に応じて


ただ何となく、理由もなく、自分と違う、世間一般と違うがら差別する。それは幼いころから、親から社会から刷り込まれてるから。 まず大人から、社会から偏見をなくしていかないとね。

DMM英会話Daily News予習復習メモ:Study: Yoga Can Help Anxiety, but Therapy is Better

今回は不安障害のケア方法としてヨガ、認知行動療法、ストレスについての勉強が紹介されてます。 わたしもかなりの心配性ですが、紙に書く、ブログに書く、大したことでないと書く、書くことで頭と心が整理できます。
講師は今日もPoachとfree talkでした。昨日午前中はミンダナオ島全域でinternet downtimeのため回線がよくなく、キャンセルせざる得なかったそうです。

total time 49725分 2020.10.9 level 8



Study: Yoga Can Help Anxiety, but Therapy is Better


A US study has found that yoga can be effective for treating generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) — but it is not as effective as therapy.

 generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) 全般性不安障害 制御できない理由なき不安のために日常生活に多大な影響を及ぼしている不安障害の一種 

The study, published in JAMA Psychiatry, looked at 226 adults with GAD. Participants were put in three groups: one that took a 12-week course of Kundalini yoga, one that had 12 weeks of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and one that was educated about stress.

Kundalini yoga 「ヨーガの音の科学」を使う古代のヨーガの技法で舌の動きと口の動きが直接、口の中の84の経絡を刺激して脳に指令が送られる仕組み
cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) 認知行動療法は、従来の行動に焦点をあてた行動療法から、アルバート・エリスの論理療法や、アーロン・ベックの認知療法の登場によって、思考など認知に焦点をあてることで発展してきた心理療法の技法

Researchers found that just over half of the participants responded well to the yoga course, showing reduced anxiety symptoms. But 70% responded well to CBT, while only one-third responded well to stress education.

yoga -半数以上,  CBT-70%, stress education 1/3との参加者がよいと回答した。


While it's normal to sometimes feel anxious, according to America's National Institute of Mental Health, people with GAD find it difficult to control these feelings enough to focus on daily tasks, feeling extremely nervous or worried even when there is little reason to. GAD affects about 3% of US adults, and is almost twice as common among women as it is among men.


The Kundalini yoga program used in the study included techniques for movement, breathing, relaxation and meditation, as well as yoga theory and helpful ways of thinking.

 movement ヨガの動作

CBT, meanwhile, focuses on helping patients become aware of how their thoughts can be inaccurate and harmfulsuch as having a very low opinion of their own abilities — and how those feelings can affect their behavior. It also provides steps they can take to respond to situations in more positive ways.












having a very low opinion of ~を低く評価する 見下げる

inaccurate ìnˈækjʊrət ぴったりではない・ずれている

The stress education course included information on the effects of things like diet, exercise, smoking, caffeine, and drinking alcohol.


While the study authors determined that CBT should still be the main treatment for GAD, co-author Naomi M. Simon said that it can sometimes be difficult for people to get this kind of help.


"Many people either are unable to access or afford cognitive behavior therapy," she told United Press International. But yoga, she said, "is widely available and popular."



コップ半分の水をもう半分しかないと思うか、まだ半分もあると思うか これも認知の違いですよね。


DMM英会話 Daily News 予習復習メモ:Robot Dogs Join US Air Force Exercise





total time 49700分 2020.10.8 level 9



Robot Dogs Join US Air Force Exercise

ロボットドッグ 空軍演習に参加

Robot dogs have been used by the US Air Force in one of the military's biggest ever high-tech experiments.


The robots took part in a training session between September 1 and September 3 at the Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada. It was part of a larger exercise involving every branch of the US military, including the Coast Guard, across 30 locations between August 31 and September 3.

 Coast Guard,沿岸警備隊

The Air Force tested the dog-like robots, called Vision 60, in an exercise that simulated landing on a potentially hostile airstrip. The robots were used to identify possible threats while human soldiers stayed close to their aircraft.




They have been created by Ghost Robotics to help with tasks including remote inspection, mapping, communications and security. They can be used on any type of terrain and carry different types of sensors and communications equipment.

remote inspection 遠隔検査 

terrain təréɪn 自然的特徴からみた地域 



"The dogs give us visuals of the area, all while keeping our defenders closer to the aircraft," said Master Sergeant Lee Boston.

その地域を映像を通して見せる 自分側の擁護者が(敵の)飛行機に近づいている間


They are less complex than other walking robots, which Ghost Robotics says makes them both tougher and more agile. The company calls them "unstoppable."


agile.ˈædʒəl, ˈædʒɑɪl 機敏な 
"unstoppable." 手が付けられない 止められない

The dogs are a part of the US military's Advanced Battle Management System (ABMS). The system uses artificial intelligence and rapid data analysis to find and eliminate threats to the military in space and to help locate possible attacks from missiles and other weapons on land.

 Advanced Battle Management System (ABMS) 先進的戦闘管理システムは人工知能や速いデーター分析を使用し 空軍への危険を排除したり、地上でのミサイルやほかの武器からの攻撃可能の位置を突き止めるために役立てる。

This isn't the first time robot dogs have been tested by the US military. In 2012 it tested the AlphaDog, developed by Boston Dynamics, which was able to carry up to 180 kilograms and walk 32 kilometers without stopping. However, it was retired at the end of 2015 because it was so loud it was feared that it would give away troop positions.


Industry experts are growing more confident that robot systems will soon be ready to work alongside humans in real operations, taking over dangerous or physically demanding tasks.

work alongside 一緒に働く

taking over 実際の活動中

taking over 引き受ける

 AlphaDog needs exercise.

 上の画像が引退したAlphaDogです。確かに動くたびにがしゃんがしゃんと音を出しそうですね。でもブルドッグみたいでカッコイイ♥ Alphaのは最強という意味もあります。

DMM英会話 Dail News予習復習メモ:Healthy Lifestyle While Pregnant Improves Kids' Heart Health

total time 49675分 2020.10.7 level 8

Healthy Lifestyle While Pregnant Improves Kids' Heart Health


A study from King's College London has found that improving the health of obese pregnant women may lead to better heart health in their children, with health benefits continuing years after birth.




The study, which was published in Pediatric Obesity, looked at 1,555 pregnant women in the UK who were obese. About half of the women went through an eight-week program to improve their diet and exercise habits.


Three years after birth, researchers were able to look at 495 of the children, 241 of whom were born to mothers who had taken part in the eight-week program. The children's obesity levels and their resting pulse rate — their number of heartbeats per minute while resting — were measured at that time.

resting pulse 安静時の脈拍数



Researchers found little difference in obesity between children whose mothers had taken the program and those whose mothers had not. However, they found that those whose mothers had taken the program had a resting pulse rate that was five beats per minute slower than children whose mothers had not.



Resting pulse rate is linked to heart health. People with high resting pulse rates may have an increased risk of heart disease and early death.


Although factors like diet and exercise can affect resting pulse rate, the researchers found no connection between( the results) and (the children's diets and activity levels). They concluded that the mothers' antenatal habits could have been the reason for the difference.


antenatal 出産前の 


It was also found that the mothers who took the eight-week program maintained a healthier diet three years after birth.


"Keeping physically active and maintaining a balanced diet are both important ways of keeping our hearts healthy," said Tracy Parker of the



British Heart Foundation, a charity that supported the study. "This research shows that for pregnant women, the benefits don't end there. A healthy diet before, during and after pregnancy can have positive long-term health benefits for both mother and child."



Researchers plan to follow up with the children when they're 8 to 10 years old to see if the benefits continue.

食べたものでからだが作られるわけだから、junkfoodでは健康体にはなれないです。 文鳥のひなをお迎えしたしたとき、脚が立たない状態でした。 すぐ獣医さんに診てもらい、原因は栄養不足からの脚気。薬と栄養のある餌で元気にそだちました🐤 親鳥の栄養状態が悪かったのか、ペットショップで与えられてた安価な餌と低すぎる温度設定だと思います。客に高価な餌を勧めながら、ショップでは安価な餌で飼育しるんですよ"(-""-)"。食と愛情は大切です。

DMM英会話 Daily News 予習復習メモ:Carlos Ghosn Launches Business Program in Lebanon  



今回で2回目の講師Poachはミンダナオ島出身ってことで、モロ イスラム解放戦線について次回教えてもらうつもりです。彼らすべてがゲリラではなく 政府に反抗するrebelだそうです。


英会話合計時間49650分2020.10.6 level 9

Carlos Ghosn Launches Business Program in Lebanon

Former Nissan and Renault CEO Carlos Ghosn is launching a new business program to help with Lebanon's economic recovery.

The program, called "Moving Forward," will provide training to local businesses, give funding and advice to new ventures, and offer executive coaching to senior managers. CNN reports that it will also include a training center to teach workers how to use new technology.


Forbes brings news that the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, a private university north of Beirut, asked Ghosn to create programs to help rebuild Lebanese society back in January. Other business leaders will also take part in the program, including Land Rover and Jaguar chief executive Thierry Bollore and former Goldman Sachs vice chairman Ken Curtis. Bollore and Curtis have both agreed to teach courses for free.


Speaking about the program, Ghosn said, "This is about creating jobs, employment and entrepreneurs to allow society to take its role in the reconstruction of the country."


Lebanon has been facing a number of political and economic challenges. The massive explosion at Beirut's port in August, which killed more than 190 people, injured 6,000 and caused billions of dollars in damage, has made those challenges even more difficult.

The massive explosion レバノン当局は、爆発が発生したのはベイルート港で、爆発の原因はそこに6年間保管されていた2750トンの硝酸アンモニウムだと発表した



Born in Brazil and raised in Lebanon, where he is a citizen, Ghosn escaped from house arrest in Tokyo and fled to Beirut in December 2019. He had been arrested in Japan in 2018, accused of trying to hide about 9.3 billion yen, or $88 million, that he made during his time at Renault-Nissan.



While there is an international arrest warrant for Ghosn, Lebanon does not have an extradition agreement with Japan, and the country does not extradite its citizens.

arrest warrant for への逮捕状 

extradite =hand over 




According to Forbes, Ghosn's new program was announced on the same day a Nissan employee, Toshiaki Onuma, told a Tokyo court that he helped former Nissan executive Greg Kelly find ways to avoid disclosing how much Ghosn was being paid. If Kelly is found guilty, he could face 15 years in prison or fines of 80 million yen (about $760,000) — or both.

 前日産幹部グレッグが、いくらがゴーンに支払われたかを開示するのを防ぐ方法を見つけるのに ゴーンは手を貸した。





40 . 離婚成立後の取引 茶番劇が終わった






























私の勘が大当たりだった。まだこの時点では単なるカンに過ぎなかったが。 ネガの中に大切なものが入れてあるわけではなく、ネガ自体が必要なものであった。








ネガは家にありますよ。 ないなら3月に要求した時点でわかっていたはず。フィルムスキャンをするのが大変面倒で老後の楽しみにしていることも知ってます。その思い出のなかに自分が写っているのがいやだから渡さない。 写っているのは仕方がないし、2003年以降は写真もビデオもすでにPCに入れてある。

















Though we sometimes fought ,we got along with each other in those days.













あとはホテル。 きっと宿泊した記念だね。

































その後、約束通り マンションの鍵と権利書が郵送されてきました。









あとひとつ正当な権利 年金は按分分割して頂きますから。






DMM英会話Daily News予習復習メモ:Philip Morris CEO Says Cigarette Sales May End in 10-15 Years

講師からのメッセージの中にこう書かれてました。 We don't get anything good from smoking so, why start the habit.
英会話合計時間49600分 2020.10.3 level 8

Philip Morris CEO Says Cigarette Sales May End in 10-15 Years


The CEO of Philip Morris International (PMI), André Calantzopoulos, has said that cigarette sales could end in many countries within 10 to 15 years. PMI is best known for its Marlboro cigarettes, but Calantzopoulos said the company is changing to create a "smoke-free future."




Calantzopoulos was speaking at the Concordia Annual Summit, which is usually held in New York, but this year was held digitally.



PMI has now developed products in which tobacco is heated, not burned, which the company says reduces the release of harmful chemicals. It also makes e-cigarettes that allow users to breathe in nicotine without any tobacco.


However, some health groups worry that heated tobacco products still release other chemicals, and that the long-term effects aren't yet known. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also say that the long-term effects of e-cigarettes are not known, and warn against their use by young people, pregnant women and anyone who doesn't already smoke.


Calantzopoulos complained that biased reports from health groups were preventing more people from quitting cigarettes by switching to smoke-free products.



"To be clear: These products are not risk-free," he said. "And the best choice is never to start smoking or to quit tobacco and nicotine altogether. But for those adults who would otherwise continue to smoke, scientifically validated smoke-free products are a much better choice than cigarettes."



シガレットよりよい選択だと科学的に実証された無煙たばこ製品 そうでなけれな


In 2017, Calantzopoulos wrote that PMI expected at least 40 million people — about 30% of the company's cigarette consumers at the time — to switch to one of its smoke-free products by 2025. In his Concordia speech, he said more than 11 million people had already done so. According to Statista, PMI controls 14% of the world's cigarette market. China National Tobacco Corporation controls 44%, while British American Tobacco has 12% and Japan Tobacco International has 8.5%.


 The World Health Organization estimates that 1.34 billion people still used tobacco in 2018.


